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Office 365 E5 (no Teams) without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Annual Office 365 E5 (no Teams) without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Annual 55.13 a/шт. В корзину
eCDN, P3Y, Annual eCDN, P3Y, Annual 126.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for IoT - EIoT Device License - add-on, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender for IoT - EIoT Device License - add-on, P1Y, Monthly 212.63 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online Kiosk, P1Y, Monthly Exchange Online Kiosk, P1Y, Monthly 244.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations – Device, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations – Device, P1Y, Monthly 425.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F1 (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 F1 (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly 425.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dataverse File Capacity add-on, P1M, Monthly Dataverse File Capacity add-on, P1M, Monthly 456.75 a/шт. В корзину
SharePoint advanced management plan 1, P3Y, Annual SharePoint advanced management plan 1, P3Y, Annual 488.25 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 Extra File Storage, P1Y, Annual Office 365 Extra File Storage, P1Y, Annual 488.25 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 Extra File Storage, P1M, Monthly Office 365 Extra File Storage, P1M, Monthly 488.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Suite, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Intune Suite, P1Y, Monthly 488.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Enterprise Application Management, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Intune Enterprise Application Management, P1Y, Monthly 488.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management Add-on, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management Add-on, P1Y, Monthly 488.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management, P1Y, Monthly 488.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - L, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - L, P1Y, Monthly 488.25 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Server, P1Y, Monthly Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Server, P1Y, Monthly 488.25 a/шт. В корзину
10-Year Audit Log Retention Add On, P1M, Monthly 10-Year Audit Log Retention Add On, P1M, Monthly 488.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Cloud PKI, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Cloud PKI, P1Y, Monthly 488.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 Security, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 E5 Security, P1Y, Monthly 559.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Enterprise Application Management, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Intune Enterprise Application Management, P1M, Monthly 653.63 a/шт. В корзину
SharePoint (Plan 2), P1Y, Monthly SharePoint (Plan 2), P1Y, Monthly 724.50 a/шт. В корзину
Multi-Geo Capabilities in Office 365, P1Y, Monthly Multi-Geo Capabilities in Office 365, P1Y, Monthly 724.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Advanced Analytics, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Intune Advanced Analytics, P1M, Monthly 724.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra Workload ID, P3Y, Annual Microsoft Entra Workload ID, P3Y, Annual 724.50 a/шт. В корзину
Defender Threat Intelligence, P3Y, Triennial Defender Threat Intelligence, P3Y, Triennial 724.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, P1Y, Monthly 724.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Business, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender for Business, P1Y, Annual 724.50 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Online, P1Y, Monthly Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Online, P1Y, Monthly 724.50 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online (Plan 2), P1Y, Monthly Exchange Online (Plan 2), P1Y, Monthly 724.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Copilot Studio, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Copilot Studio, P1Y, Annual 724.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F3 (no Teams), P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 F3 (no Teams), P1Y, Annual 724.50 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 F3 (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly Office 365 F3 (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly 842.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management Add-On Server, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management Add-On Server, P1Y, Monthly 842.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Business servers, P3Y, Triennial Microsoft Defender for Business servers, P3Y, Triennial 842.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Self Service, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Human Resources Self Service, P3Y, Monthly 842.63 a/шт. В корзину
Visio Plan 2, P1Y, Monthly Visio Plan 2, P1Y, Monthly 968.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Premium Introductory Pricing, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Teams Premium Introductory Pricing, P1Y, Monthly 968.63 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 Extra File Storage, P1Y, Monthly Office 365 Extra File Storage, P1Y, Monthly 968.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Suite, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Viva Suite, P1Y, Monthly 968.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Goals, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Viva Goals, P1Y, Monthly 968.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Essentials with Phone, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Teams Essentials with Phone, P1Y, Annual 968.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Enterprise, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Teams Enterprise, P1Y, Annual 968.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Plan 1, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Intune Plan 1, P1Y, Monthly 968.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Plan 1 Device, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Intune Plan 1 Device, P1Y, Monthly 968.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra ID Governance, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Entra ID Governance, P1Y, Annual 968.63 a/шт. В корзину
M365 F5 Insider Risk Management, P1Y, Annual M365 F5 Insider Risk Management, P1Y, Annual 968.63 a/шт. В корзину
M365 F5 eDiscovery and Audit, P1Y, Annual M365 F5 eDiscovery and Audit, P1Y, Annual 968.63 a/шт. В корзину
Enterprise Mobility + Security E5, P1Y, Monthly Enterprise Mobility + Security E5, P1Y, Monthly 968.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Team Members for Migration, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Team Members for Migration, P3Y, Annual 1 015.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity 100GB, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity 100GB, P1Y, Monthly 1 055.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Basic (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 Business Basic (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly 1 157.63 a/шт. В корзину
Universal Print volume add-on (500 jobs), P1M, Monthly Universal Print volume add-on (500 jobs), P1M, Monthly 1 204.88 a/шт. В корзину
Project Plan 5, P1Y, Monthly Project Plan 5, P1Y, Monthly 1 204.88 a/шт. В корзину
Priva Privacy Risk Management, P1Y, Monthly Priva Privacy Risk Management, P1Y, Monthly 1 204.88 a/шт. В корзину
Power Platform Requests add-on, P1Y, Monthly Power Platform Requests add-on, P1Y, Monthly 1 204.88 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 F3 (no Teams), P1Y, Annual Office 365 F3 (no Teams), P1Y, Annual 1 204.88 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Advanced Analytics, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Intune Advanced Analytics, P1Y, Monthly 1 204.88 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1), P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1), P1Y, Monthly 1 204.88 a/шт. В корзину
eCDN, P1Y, Monthly eCDN, P1Y, Monthly 1 204.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Team Members for Migration, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Team Members for Migration, P1M, Monthly 1 204.88 a/шт. В корзину
M365 F5 Information Protection and Governance, P1Y, Annual M365 F5 Information Protection and Governance, P1Y, Annual 1 204.88 a/шт. В корзину
Clipchamp Premium, P1Y, Annual Clipchamp Premium, P1Y, Annual 1 204.88 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint P2, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Endpoint P2, P1Y, Monthly 1 252.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint P1, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Endpoint P1, P1Y, Monthly 1 252.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Enterprise, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Teams Enterprise, P1Y, Monthly 1 275.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Server, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Server, P1Y, Annual 1 323.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra ID Governance Step-Up for Microsoft Entra ID P2, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Entra ID Governance Step-Up for Microsoft Entra ID P2, P1Y, Annual 1 449.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, P1Y, Monthly 1 449.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 Information Protection and Governance, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 E5 Information Protection and Governance, P1Y, Monthly 1 449.00 a/шт. В корзину
Compliance Manager Premium Assessment Add-On, P1Y, Monthly Compliance Manager Premium Assessment Add-On, P1Y, Monthly 1 449.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3, P1Y, Annual Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3, P1Y, Annual 1 685.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3 (local only), P1Y, Annual Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3 (local only), P1Y, Annual 1 685.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3 VDA, P1Y, Monthly Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3 VDA, P1Y, Monthly 1 685.25 a/шт. В корзину
Skype for Business Plus CAL, P1Y, Monthly Skype for Business Plus CAL, P1Y, Monthly 1 685.25 a/шт. В корзину
Pro Direct Support for Dynamics 365 Operations, P1Y, Monthly Pro Direct Support for Dynamics 365 Operations, P1Y, Monthly 1 685.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Remote Help, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Intune Remote Help, P1Y, Monthly 1 685.25 a/шт. В корзину
Clipchamp Standard, P1Y, Annual Clipchamp Standard, P1Y, Annual 1 685.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 eDiscovery and Audit, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 E5 eDiscovery and Audit, P1Y, Monthly 1 685.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members, P3Y, Monthly 1 685.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Team Members, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Team Members, P3Y, Monthly 1 803.38 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F3 (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 F3 (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly 1 803.38 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E1 (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly Office 365 E1 (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly 1 882.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro without Audio Conferencing, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro without Audio Conferencing, P1M, Monthly 1 929.38 a/шт. В корзину
Teams Phone Standard FLW, P1M, Monthly Teams Phone Standard FLW, P1M, Monthly 1 929.38 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Plan 1 Storage Add-On, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Intune Plan 1 Storage Add-On, P1Y, Monthly 1 929.38 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online (Plan 1), P1Y, Monthly Exchange Online (Plan 1), P1Y, Monthly 1 929.38 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F1 (no Teams), P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 F1 (no Teams), P1Y, Annual 1 929.38 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F5 Compliance Add-on, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 F5 Compliance Add-on, P1Y, Monthly 1 929.38 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F1, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 F1, P1Y, Monthly 1 929.38 a/шт. В корзину
M365 F5 Insider Risk Management, P1Y, Monthly M365 F5 Insider Risk Management, P1Y, Monthly 2 000.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for IoT - EIoT Device License - add-on, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Defender for IoT - EIoT Device License - add-on, P1M, Monthly 2 047.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Identity, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Identity, P1Y, Monthly 2 047.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Additional Environment Addon, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Additional Environment Addon, P1Y, Monthly 2 110.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra ID P1, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Entra ID P1, P1Y, Monthly 2 165.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dataverse Log Capacity add-on, P1M, Monthly Dataverse Log Capacity add-on, P1M, Monthly 2 260.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 CAL - 1 Device CAL - 1 year, P1Y, Annual Windows Server 2022 CAL - 1 Device CAL - 1 year, P1Y, Annual 2 338.88 a/шт. В корзину
SharePoint (Plan 1), P1Y, Monthly SharePoint (Plan 1), P1Y, Monthly 2 409.75 a/шт. В корзину
Project Online Essentials, P1Y, Monthly Project Online Essentials, P1Y, Monthly 2 409.75 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium P4, P1Y, Monthly Power BI Premium P4, P1Y, Monthly 2 409.75 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium Per User, P1Y, Monthly Power BI Premium Per User, P1Y, Monthly 2 409.75 a/шт. В корзину
OneDrive for business (Plan 1), P1Y, Monthly OneDrive for business (Plan 1), P1Y, Monthly 2 409.75 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 Data Loss Prevention, P1Y, Monthly Office 365 Data Loss Prevention, P1Y, Monthly 2 409.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Plan 2, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Intune Plan 2, P1Y, Monthly 2 409.75 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online Protection, P1Y, Annual Exchange Online Protection, P1Y, Annual 2 409.75 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online Protection, P1M, Monthly Exchange Online Protection, P1M, Monthly 2 409.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Standard (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 Business Standard (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly 2 480.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra Permissions Management, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Entra Permissions Management, P1Y, Monthly 2 504.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Ratings and Reviews, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Ratings and Reviews, P1Y, Monthly 2 551.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3, P1Y, Monthly Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3, P1Y, Monthly 2 709.00 a/шт. В корзину
Priva Subject Rights Requests (1), P1Y, Monthly Priva Subject Rights Requests (1), P1Y, Monthly 2 709.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 CAL - 1 User CAL - 1 year, P1Y, Annual Windows Server 2022 CAL - 1 User CAL - 1 year, P1Y, Annual 2 764.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Insights Capacity, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Viva Insights Capacity, P1Y, Monthly 2 890.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Essentials with Phone, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Teams Essentials with Phone, P1Y, Monthly 2 890.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Apps for business, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 Apps for business, P1Y, Monthly 2 890.13 a/шт. В корзину
Advanced Communications, P1M, Monthly Advanced Communications, P1M, Monthly 2 890.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 Insider Risk Management, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 E5 Insider Risk Management, P1Y, Monthly 2 890.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 (no Teams) without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 E5 (no Teams) without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Annual 2 890.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Premium (no Teams), P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 Business Premium (no Teams), P1Y, Annual 3 008.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F5 Security Add-on, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 F5 Security Add-on, P1Y, Monthly 3 126.38 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Learning, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Viva Learning, P1Y, Monthly 3 173.63 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate per user plan, P1Y, Monthly Power Automate per user plan, P1Y, Monthly 3 386.25 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate per flow plan, P1Y, Monthly Power Automate per flow plan, P1Y, Monthly 3 386.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Attach, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Attach, P1Y, Monthly 3 386.25 a/шт. В корзину
eCDN, P1M, Monthly eCDN, P1M, Monthly 3 606.75 a/шт. В корзину
Visio Plan 1, P1Y, Monthly Visio Plan 1, P1Y, Monthly 3 606.75 a/шт. В корзину
eCDN, P1Y, Annual eCDN, P1Y, Annual 3 606.75 a/шт. В корзину
Enterprise Mobility + Security E3, P1Y, Monthly Enterprise Mobility + Security E3, P1Y, Monthly 3 945.38 a/шт. В корзину
Priva Subject Rights Requests (10), P1Y, Monthly Priva Subject Rights Requests (10), P1Y, Monthly 4 016.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 RMS CAL - 1 Device CAL - 1 year, P1Y, Annual Windows Server 2022 RMS CAL - 1 Device CAL - 1 year, P1Y, Annual 4 039.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - File Capacity, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Operations - File Capacity, P1Y, Annual 4 213.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - File Capacity, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - File Capacity, P1M, Monthly 4 213.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F1 (no Teams), P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 F1 (no Teams), P1M, Monthly 4 213.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F5 Security + Compliance Add-on, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 F5 Security + Compliance Add-on, P1Y, Monthly 4 213.13 a/шт. В корзину
Power Apps per app plan (1 app or website), P1Y, Monthly Power Apps per app plan (1 app or website), P1Y, Monthly 4 512.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly 4 512.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly 4 512.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Field Service Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly 4 512.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly 4 512.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly 4 512.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials Attach, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials Attach, P1Y, Annual 4 512.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dataverse File Capacity add-on, P1Y, Monthly Dataverse File Capacity add-on, P1Y, Monthly 4 512.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dataverse File Capacity add-on, P1Y, Annual Dataverse File Capacity add-on, P1Y, Annual 4 512.38 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Premium (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 Business Premium (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly 4 764.38 a/шт. В корзину
Skype for Business Plus CAL, P1Y, Annual Skype for Business Plus CAL, P1Y, Annual 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Skype for Business Plus CAL, P1M, Monthly Skype for Business Plus CAL, P1M, Monthly 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate unattended RPA add-on, P1Y, Monthly Power Automate unattended RPA add-on, P1Y, Monthly 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Multi-Geo Capabilities in Office 365, P1Y, Annual Multi-Geo Capabilities in Office 365, P1Y, Annual 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Topics, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Viva Topics, P1Y, Monthly 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Essentials, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Teams Essentials, P1Y, Monthly 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Stream Plan 2 for Office 365 Add-On, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Stream Plan 2 for Office 365 Add-On, P1Y, Annual 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Stream Plan 2 for Office 365 Add-On, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Stream Plan 2 for Office 365 Add-On, P1M, Monthly 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Enterprise Application Management, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Intune Enterprise Application Management, P1Y, Annual 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Endpoint Privilege Management, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Intune Endpoint Privilege Management, P1Y, Annual 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management Add-On Server, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management Add-On Server, P1Y, Annual 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management Add-On Server, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management Add-On Server, P1M, Monthly 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management Add-on, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management Add-on, P1Y, Annual 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management Add-on, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management Add-on, P1M, Monthly 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1), P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1), P1Y, Annual 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1), P1M, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1), P1M, Monthly 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Remote Assist, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Remote Assist, P1Y, Monthly 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online Kiosk, P1Y, Annual Exchange Online Kiosk, P1Y, Annual 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online Kiosk, P1M, Monthly Exchange Online Kiosk, P1M, Monthly 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
10-Year Audit Log Retention Add On, P1Y, Monthly 10-Year Audit Log Retention Add On, P1Y, Monthly 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
10-Year Audit Log Retention Add On, P1Y, Annual 10-Year Audit Log Retention Add On, P1Y, Annual 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Cloud PKI, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Cloud PKI, P1M, Monthly 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Clipchamp Premium Add-on, P1Y, Annual Clipchamp Premium Add-on, P1Y, Annual 4 811.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 RMS CAL - 1 User CAL - 1 year, P1Y, Annual Windows Server 2022 RMS CAL - 1 User CAL - 1 year, P1Y, Annual 4 890.38 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E3 (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly Office 365 E3 (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly 5 008.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Basic (no Teams), P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 Business Basic (no Teams), P1Y, Annual 5 292.00 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E1 (no Teams), P1Y, Annual Office 365 E1 (no Teams), P1Y, Annual 5 536.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F1, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 F1, P1Y, Annual 5 536.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F1, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 F1, P1M, Monthly 5 536.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1Y, Monthly 5 614.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly 5 614.88 a/шт. В корзину
Universal Print volume add-on (500 jobs), P1Y, Monthly Universal Print volume add-on (500 jobs), P1Y, Monthly 6 016.50 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages anonymous users T1 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Monthly Power Pages anonymous users T1 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Monthly 6 016.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly 6 213.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly 6 213.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Human Resources Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly 6 315.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Finance Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Finance Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly 6 315.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Project Operations Attach, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Project Operations Attach, P3Y, Monthly 6 315.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Database Capacity, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - Database Capacity, P1Y, Monthly 6 315.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly 6 315.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Monthly 6 315.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1Y, Monthly 6 418.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Plan 1 Device, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Intune Plan 1 Device, P1Y, Annual 6 496.88 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Plan 1 Device, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Intune Plan 1 Device, P1M, Monthly 6 496.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service Device, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Field Service Device, P1Y, Monthly 6 764.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dataverse Database Capacity add-on Tier 2 (Min 1000GB), P1M, Monthly Dataverse Database Capacity add-on Tier 2 (Min 1000GB), P1M, Monthly 6 764.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly 7 016.63 a/шт. В корзину
SharePoint advanced management plan 1, P1Y, Annual SharePoint advanced management plan 1, P1Y, Annual 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
SharePoint advanced management plan 1, P3Y, Triennial SharePoint advanced management plan 1, P3Y, Triennial 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Project Plan 1, P1Y, Monthly Project Plan 1, P1Y, Monthly 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 Data Loss Prevention, P1Y, Annual Office 365 Data Loss Prevention, P1Y, Annual 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 Data Loss Prevention, P1M, Monthly Office 365 Data Loss Prevention, P1M, Monthly 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Endpoint Privilege Management, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Intune Endpoint Privilege Management, P1Y, Monthly 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Endpoint Privilege Management, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Intune Endpoint Privilege Management, P1M, Monthly 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra Workload ID, P3Y, Triennial Microsoft Entra Workload ID, P3Y, Triennial 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra Workload ID, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Entra Workload ID, P1M, Monthly 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management, P1Y, Annual 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management, P1M, Monthly 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint P1, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender for Endpoint P1, P1Y, Annual 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint P1, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Endpoint P1, P1M, Monthly 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Business servers, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender for Business servers, P1Y, Annual 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Business servers, P3Y, Annual Microsoft Defender for Business servers, P3Y, Annual 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Business, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Business, P1Y, Monthly 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Server, P1Y, Annual Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Server, P1Y, Annual 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Server, P1M, Monthly Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Server, P1M, Monthly 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Online, P1Y, Annual Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Online, P1Y, Annual 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Online, P1M, Monthly Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Online, P1M, Monthly 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Business, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Business, P1M, Monthly 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Clipchamp Standard, P1Y, Monthly Clipchamp Standard, P1Y, Monthly 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Clipchamp Standard, P1M, Monthly Clipchamp Standard, P1M, Monthly 7 213.50 a/шт. В корзину
Skype for Business Server Standard 2019 Device CAL Skype for Business Server Standard 2019 Device CAL 7 434.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 - 1 Device CAL Windows Server 2022 - 1 Device CAL 7 434.00 a/шт. В корзину
Teams Phone with international calling, P1Y, Monthly Teams Phone with international calling, P1Y, Monthly 7 693.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly 8 016.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly 8 016.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E3 (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 E3 (no Teams), P1Y, Monthly 8 127.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E3 (no Teams) - Unattended License, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 E3 (no Teams) - Unattended License, P1Y, Monthly 8 127.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly 8 221.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly 8 221.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1M, Monthly 8 418.38 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 F3 (no Teams), P1M, Monthly Office 365 F3 (no Teams), P1M, Monthly 8 418.38 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 F3, P1Y, Monthly Office 365 F3, P1Y, Monthly 8 418.38 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Remote Help, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Intune Remote Help, P1Y, Annual 8 418.38 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Remote Help, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Intune Remote Help, P1M, Monthly 8 418.38 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, P1Y, Annual 8 418.38 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, P1M, Monthly 8 418.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Self Service, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Human Resources Self Service, P1Y, Annual 8 418.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Self Service, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Human Resources Self Service, P3Y, Annual 8 418.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations – Activity, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations – Activity, P1Y, Monthly 8 418.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Device, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Device, P3Y, Monthly 8 418.38 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E5 (no Teams) without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Monthly Office 365 E5 (no Teams) without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Monthly 8 615.25 a/шт. В корзину
Teams Essentials and Teams Phone with international calling, P1Y, Monthly Teams Essentials and Teams Phone with international calling, P1Y, Monthly 8 662.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E3, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 E3, P1Y, Monthly 8 662.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Standard (no Teams), P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 Business Standard (no Teams), P1Y, Annual 8 662.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly 8 820.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly 9 016.88 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Pro, P1Y, Monthly Power BI Pro, P1Y, Monthly 9 016.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dataverse Database Capacity add-on, P1M, Monthly Dataverse Database Capacity add-on, P1M, Monthly 9 016.88 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E3 (no Teams), P1Y, Annual Office 365 E3 (no Teams), P1Y, Annual 9 142.88 a/шт. В корзину
Rights Management Services (RMS) 2022 CAL-1 Device Rights Management Services (RMS) 2022 CAL-1 Device 9 284.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual 9 418.50 a/шт. В корзину
Skype for Business Server Standard 2019 User CAL Skype for Business Server Standard 2019 User CAL 9 497.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 - 1 User CAL Windows Server 2022 - 1 User CAL 9 497.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Learning, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Viva Learning, P1Y, Annual 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Learning, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Viva Learning, P1M, Monthly 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Universal Print, P1Y, Annual Universal Print, P1Y, Annual 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Universal Print, P1M, Monthly Universal Print, P1M, Monthly 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 F3, P1Y, Annual Office 365 F3, P1Y, Annual 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 F3, P1M, Monthly Office 365 F3, P1M, Monthly 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Topics, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Viva Topics, P1Y, Annual 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Topics, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Viva Topics, P1M, Monthly 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Insights, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Viva Insights, P1Y, Annual 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Insights, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Viva Insights, P1M, Monthly 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro without Audio Conferencing, P3Y, Triennial Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro without Audio Conferencing, P3Y, Triennial 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Essentials, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Teams Essentials, P1Y, Annual 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Essentials, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Teams Essentials, P1M, Monthly 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Plan 2, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Intune Plan 2, P1Y, Annual 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Plan 2, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Intune Plan 2, P1M, Monthly 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Plan 1 Storage Add-On, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Intune Plan 1 Storage Add-On, P1Y, Annual 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Plan 1 Storage Add-On, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Intune Plan 1 Storage Add-On, P1M, Monthly 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra ID Governance Step-Up for Microsoft Entra ID P2, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Entra ID Governance Step-Up for Microsoft Entra ID P2, P1Y, Monthly 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra ID Governance Step-Up for Microsoft Entra ID P2, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Entra ID Governance Step-Up for Microsoft Entra ID P2, P1M, Monthly 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
M365 F5 Insider Risk Management, P1M, Monthly M365 F5 Insider Risk Management, P1M, Monthly 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
M365 F5 Information Protection and Governance, P1Y, Monthly M365 F5 Information Protection and Governance, P1Y, Monthly 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
M365 F5 eDiscovery and Audit, P1M, Monthly M365 F5 eDiscovery and Audit, P1M, Monthly 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Sensor Data Intelligence Additional Machines Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1Y, Monthly Sensor Data Intelligence Additional Machines Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1Y, Monthly 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online (Plan 1), P1Y, Annual Exchange Online (Plan 1), P1Y, Annual 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online (Plan 1), P1M, Monthly Exchange Online (Plan 1), P1M, Monthly 9 623.25 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Server Enterprise 2019 Device CAL Exchange Server Enterprise 2019 Device CAL 9 702.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly 10 024.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly 10 024.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 11 Home N to Pro N Upgrade for Microsoft 365 Business Windows 11 Home N to Pro N Upgrade for Microsoft 365 Business 10 111.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 11 Home to Pro Upgrade for Microsoft 365 Business Windows 11 Home to Pro Upgrade for Microsoft 365 Business 10 111.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations – Activity, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations – Activity, P3Y, Monthly 10 521.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity Overage, P1Y, Annual 10 521.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity Overage, P1M, Monthly 10 521.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly 10 820.25 a/шт. В корзину
System Center 2022 Standard - 2 Core License Pack 1 Year, P1Y, Annual System Center 2022 Standard - 2 Core License Pack 1 Year, P1Y, Annual 11 127.38 a/шт. В корзину
OneDrive for business (Plan 2), P1Y, Monthly OneDrive for business (Plan 2), P1Y, Monthly 11 277.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, P3Y, Monthly 11 277.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition Device, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition Device, P1Y, Monthly 11 277.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Basic (no Teams), P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 Business Basic (no Teams), P1M, Monthly 11 544.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Basic, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 Business Basic, P1Y, Monthly 11 544.75 a/шт. В корзину
Rights Management Services (RMS) 2022 CAL- 1 User Rights Management Services (RMS) 2022 CAL- 1 User 11 970.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1Y, Annual 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
Visio Plan 1, P1Y, Annual Visio Plan 1, P1Y, Annual 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
Visio Plan 1, P1M, Monthly Visio Plan 1, P1M, Monthly 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
SharePoint (Plan 1), P1Y, Annual SharePoint (Plan 1), P1Y, Annual 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
SharePoint (Plan 1), P1M, Monthly SharePoint (Plan 1), P1M, Monthly 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
Priva Privacy Risk Management, P1M, Monthly Priva Privacy Risk Management, P1M, Monthly 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages authenticated users T1 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Monthly Power Pages authenticated users T1 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Monthly 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages authenticated users T2 min 100 units - 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Monthly Power Pages authenticated users T2 min 100 units - 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Monthly 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
Power Apps per app plan (1 app or website), P1Y, Annual Power Apps per app plan (1 app or website), P1Y, Annual 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
Power Apps per app plan (1 app or website), P1M, Monthly Power Apps per app plan (1 app or website), P1M, Monthly 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
OneDrive for business (Plan 1), P1Y, Annual OneDrive for business (Plan 1), P1Y, Annual 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
OneDrive for business (Plan 1), P1M, Monthly OneDrive for business (Plan 1), P1M, Monthly 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Advanced Analytics, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Intune Advanced Analytics, P1Y, Annual 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra Workload ID, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Entra Workload ID, P1Y, Monthly 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 2), P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 2), P1Y, Annual 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 2), P1M, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 2), P1M, Monthly 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
M365 F5 Information Protection and Governance, P1M, Monthly M365 F5 Information Protection and Governance, P1M, Monthly 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
M365 F5 eDiscovery and Audit, P1Y, Monthly M365 F5 eDiscovery and Audit, P1Y, Monthly 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
Clipchamp Premium Add-on, P1Y, Monthly Clipchamp Premium Add-on, P1Y, Monthly 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
Clipchamp Premium Add-on, P1M, Monthly Clipchamp Premium Add-on, P1M, Monthly 12 025.13 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Server Enterprise 2019 User CAL Exchange Server Enterprise 2019 User CAL 12 379.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual 12 426.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Server, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Server, P1Y, Monthly 12 505.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Server, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Server, P1M, Monthly 12 505.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint P2, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender for Endpoint P2, P1Y, Annual 12 505.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint P2, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Endpoint P2, P1M, Monthly 12 505.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Enterprise, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Teams Enterprise, P1M, Monthly 12 749.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Sustainability Manager Premium, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Sustainability Manager Premium, P1M, Monthly 12 749.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 (no Teams) without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 E5 (no Teams) without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Monthly 13 182.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly 13 230.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly 13 230.00 a/шт. В корзину
Project Plan 3, P1Y, Monthly Project Plan 3, P1Y, Monthly 13 230.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Identity, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender for Identity, P1Y, Annual 13 230.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Identity, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Identity, P1M, Monthly 13 230.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 Standard - 2 Core License Pack 1 Year, P1Y, Annual Windows Server 2022 Standard - 2 Core License Pack 1 Year, P1Y, Annual 13 269.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Call Intelligence Minutes Add-on, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Call Intelligence Minutes Add-on, P1Y, Monthly 13 529.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E3 (no Teams), P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 E3 (no Teams), P1Y, Annual 13 710.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly 14 025.38 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Goals, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Viva Goals, P1Y, Annual 14 427.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Shared Devices, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Teams Shared Devices, P1Y, Monthly 14 427.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra ID P1, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Entra ID P1, P1Y, Annual 14 427.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra ID P1, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Entra ID P1, P1M, Monthly 14 427.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Basic, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 Business Basic, P1Y, Annual 14 427.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Basic, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 Business Basic, P1M, Monthly 14 427.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 Insider Risk Management, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 E5 Insider Risk Management, P1Y, Annual 14 427.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 Insider Risk Management, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 E5 Insider Risk Management, P1M, Monthly 14 427.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 eDiscovery and Audit, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 E5 eDiscovery and Audit, P1Y, Annual 14 427.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 eDiscovery and Audit, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 E5 eDiscovery and Audit, P1M, Monthly 14 427.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Professional, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Professional, P3Y, Monthly 14 655.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials, P3Y, Monthly 14 734.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual 15 033.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly 15 033.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly 15 033.38 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Server Standard 2019 Device CAL Exchange Server Standard 2019 Device CAL 15 474.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Purchase Protection Addon, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Purchase Protection Addon, P1Y, Monthly 15 631.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Project Operations Attach, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Project Operations Attach, P1Y, Monthly 15 631.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations – Device, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations – Device, P3Y, Monthly 15 781.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly 15 828.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3, P1Y, Annual Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3, P1Y, Annual 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3, P1M, Monthly Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3, P1M, Monthly 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3, P1Y, Monthly Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3, P1Y, Monthly 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3, P1M, Monthly Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3, P1M, Monthly 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3 (local only), P1Y, Monthly Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3 (local only), P1Y, Monthly 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3 (local only), P1M, Monthly Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3 (local only), P1M, Monthly 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Premium Introductory Pricing, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Teams Premium Introductory Pricing, P1Y, Annual 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Premium Introductory Pricing, P3Y, Annual Microsoft Teams Premium Introductory Pricing, P3Y, Annual 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Project Online Essentials, P1Y, Annual Project Online Essentials, P1Y, Annual 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Project Online Essentials, P1M, Monthly Project Online Essentials, P1M, Monthly 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra ID Governance, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Entra ID Governance, P1Y, Monthly 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra ID Governance, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Entra ID Governance, P1M, Monthly 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Clipchamp Premium, P1Y, Monthly Clipchamp Premium, P1Y, Monthly 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Clipchamp Premium, P1M, Monthly Clipchamp Premium, P1M, Monthly 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 Information Protection and Governance, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 E5 Information Protection and Governance, P1Y, Annual 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 Information Protection and Governance, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 E5 Information Protection and Governance, P1M, Monthly 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members, P1Y, Annual 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members, P3Y, Annual 16 836.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly 16 907.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Chat, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Chat, P1Y, Monthly 16 907.63 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages anonymous users T3 min 200 units - 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Monthly Power Pages anonymous users T3 min 200 units - 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Monthly 18 033.75 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages anonymous users T2 min 20 units - 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Monthly Power Pages anonymous users T2 min 20 units - 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Monthly 18 033.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Team Members, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Team Members, P1Y, Annual 18 033.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Team Members, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Team Members, P3Y, Annual 18 033.75 a/шт. В корзину
Extra Graph Connector Capacity, P1Y, Monthly Extra Graph Connector Capacity, P1Y, Monthly 18 033.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F3 (no Teams), P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 F3 (no Teams), P1M, Monthly 18 033.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F3, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 F3, P1Y, Monthly 18 033.75 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E1 (no Teams), P1M, Monthly Office 365 E1 (no Teams), P1M, Monthly 18 758.25 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E1, P1Y, Monthly Office 365 E1, P1Y, Monthly 18 758.25 a/шт. В корзину
SharePoint Enterprise 2019 Device CAL SharePoint Enterprise 2019 Device CAL 18 986.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services - 1 User CAL 1 Year, P1Y, Annual Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services - 1 User CAL 1 Year, P1Y, Annual 19 120.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Shared Devices, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Teams Shared Devices, P1Y, Annual 19 238.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Shared Devices, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Teams Shared Devices, P1M, Monthly 19 238.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Phone Standard, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Teams Phone Standard, P1Y, Annual 19 238.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Phone Standard, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Teams Phone Standard, P1M, Monthly 19 238.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Plan 1, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Intune Plan 1, P1Y, Annual 19 238.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Plan 1, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Intune Plan 1, P1M, Monthly 19 238.63 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online (Plan 2), P1Y, Annual Exchange Online (Plan 2), P1Y, Annual 19 238.63 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online (Plan 2), P1M, Monthly Exchange Online (Plan 2), P1M, Monthly 19 238.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F3, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 F3, P1Y, Annual 19 238.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F3, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 F3, P1M, Monthly 19 238.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F5 Security Add-on, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 F5 Security Add-on, P1Y, Annual 19 238.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F5 Security Add-on, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 F5 Security Add-on, P1M, Monthly 19 238.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F5 Compliance Add-on, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 F5 Compliance Add-on, P1Y, Annual 19 238.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F5 Compliance Add-on, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 F5 Compliance Add-on, P1M, Monthly 19 238.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual 19 837.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Apps for business, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 Apps for business, P1Y, Annual 19 955.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Apps for business, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 Apps for business, P1M, Monthly 19 955.25 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Server Standard 2019 User CAL Exchange Server Standard 2019 User CAL 20 018.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly 20 238.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly 20 238.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging add-on, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging add-on, P1Y, Monthly 20 293.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly 21 042.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity, P1Y, Annual 21 042.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity, P1M, Monthly 21 042.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Asset Management Addl Assets, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Asset Management Addl Assets, P1M, Monthly 21 042.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium, P3Y, Monthly 21 042.00 a/шт. В корзину
Azure SQL Edge - 1 year, P1Y, Annual Azure SQL Edge - 1 year, P1Y, Annual 21 238.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise, P3Y, Monthly 21 420.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Field Service, P3Y, Monthly 21 420.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition, P3Y, Monthly 21 420.00 a/шт. В корзину
SharePoint advanced management plan 1, P1M, Monthly SharePoint advanced management plan 1, P1M, Monthly 21 640.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra Workload ID, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Entra Workload ID, P1Y, Annual 21 640.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Business servers, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Business servers, P1Y, Monthly 21 640.50 a/шт. В корзину
SharePoint advanced management plan 1, P1Y, Monthly SharePoint advanced management plan 1, P1Y, Monthly 21 640.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra Workload ID, P3Y, Monthly Microsoft Entra Workload ID, P3Y, Monthly 21 640.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra Permissions Management, P3Y, Annual Microsoft Entra Permissions Management, P3Y, Annual 21 640.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra ID P2, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Entra ID P2, P1Y, Annual 21 640.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra ID P2, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Entra ID P2, P1M, Monthly 21 640.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Business servers, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Business servers, P1M, Monthly 21 640.50 a/шт. В корзину
SharePoint Standard 2019 Device CAL SharePoint Standard 2019 Device CAL 21 868.88 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate hosted RPA, P1Y, Monthly Power Automate hosted RPA, P1Y, Monthly 22 546.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Voice Additional Responses, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Voice Additional Responses, P1Y, Annual 22 546.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dataverse Log Capacity add-on, P1Y, Monthly Dataverse Log Capacity add-on, P1Y, Monthly 22 546.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dataverse Log Capacity add-on, P1Y, Annual Dataverse Log Capacity add-on, P1Y, Annual 22 546.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual 22 640.63 a/шт. В корзину
SharePoint (Plan 2), P1Y, Annual SharePoint (Plan 2), P1Y, Annual 24 050.25 a/шт. В корзину
SharePoint (Plan 2), P1M, Monthly SharePoint (Plan 2), P1M, Monthly 24 050.25 a/шт. В корзину
Project Plan 1, P1Y, Annual Project Plan 1, P1Y, Annual 24 050.25 a/шт. В корзину
Project Plan 1, P1M, Monthly Project Plan 1, P1M, Monthly 24 050.25 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Pro, P1Y, Annual Power BI Pro, P1Y, Annual 24 050.25 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Pro, P1M, Monthly Power BI Pro, P1M, Monthly 24 050.25 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium Per User Add-On, P1Y, Annual Power BI Premium Per User Add-On, P1Y, Annual 24 050.25 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium Per User Add-On, P1M, Monthly Power BI Premium Per User Add-On, P1M, Monthly 24 050.25 a/шт. В корзину
OneDrive for business (Plan 2), P1Y, Annual OneDrive for business (Plan 2), P1Y, Annual 24 050.25 a/шт. В корзину
OneDrive for business (Plan 2), P1M, Monthly OneDrive for business (Plan 2), P1M, Monthly 24 050.25 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E1, P1Y, Annual Office 365 E1, P1Y, Annual 24 050.25 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E1, P1M, Monthly Office 365 E1, P1M, Monthly 24 050.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Stream Plan 2 for Office 365 Add-On, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Stream Plan 2 for Office 365 Add-On, P1Y, Monthly 24 050.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Suite, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Intune Suite, P1Y, Annual 24 050.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Intune Suite, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Intune Suite, P1M, Monthly 24 050.25 a/шт. В корзину
Advanced eDiscovery Storage, P1M, Monthly Advanced eDiscovery Storage, P1M, Monthly 24 050.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly 24 648.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly 24 648.75 a/шт. В корзину
Skype for Business Server Plus 2019 Device CAL Skype for Business Server Plus 2019 Device CAL 24 759.00 a/шт. В корзину
Skype for Business Server Enterprise 2019 Device CAL Skype for Business Server Enterprise 2019 Device CAL 24 759.00 a/шт. В корзину
SharePoint Enterprise 2019 User CAL SharePoint Enterprise 2019 User CAL 24 759.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Standard, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 Business Standard, P1Y, Monthly 24 766.88 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Standard (no Teams), P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 Business Standard (no Teams), P1M, Monthly 24 766.88 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra Permissions Management, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Entra Permissions Management, P1M, Monthly 25 011.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra ID P2, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Entra ID P2, P1Y, Monthly 25 011.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Self Service, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Human Resources Self Service, P1M, Monthly 25 247.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Self Service, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Human Resources Self Service, P3Y, Triennial 25 247.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Human Resources, P1Y, Monthly 25 247.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Human Resources, P3Y, Monthly 25 247.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Project Operations, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Project Operations, P3Y, Monthly 25 247.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly 25 452.00 a/шт. В корзину
Enterprise Mobility + Security E3, P1Y, Annual Enterprise Mobility + Security E3, P1Y, Annual 25 491.38 a/шт. В корзину
Enterprise Mobility + Security E3, P1M, Monthly Enterprise Mobility + Security E3, P1M, Monthly 25 491.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly 26 452.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly 26 452.13 a/шт. В корзину
Teams Phone with pay-as-you-go calling (country zone 2), P1Y, Monthly Teams Phone with pay-as-you-go calling (country zone 2), P1Y, Monthly 26 452.13 a/шт. В корзину
Teams Phone with international calling, P1Y, Annual Teams Phone with international calling, P1Y, Annual 26 452.13 a/шт. В корзину
Pro Direct Support for Dynamics 365 Operations, P1Y, Annual Pro Direct Support for Dynamics 365 Operations, P1Y, Annual 27 050.63 a/шт. В корзину
Pro Direct Support for Dynamics 365 Operations, P1M, Monthly Pro Direct Support for Dynamics 365 Operations, P1M, Monthly 27 050.63 a/шт. В корзину
Power Apps Premium (2000 seat min), P1Y, Monthly Power Apps Premium (2000 seat min), P1Y, Monthly 27 050.63 a/шт. В корзину
Power Apps Premium, P1Y, Monthly Power Apps Premium, P1Y, Monthly 27 050.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E5, P1Y, Annual Windows 10/11 Enterprise E5, P1Y, Annual 27 113.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E5, P1M, Monthly Windows 10/11 Enterprise E5, P1M, Monthly 27 113.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly 27 255.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 Standard - 2 Core License Pack Windows Server 2022 Standard - 2 Core License Pack 27 649.13 a/шт. В корзину
SharePoint Standard 2019 User CAL SharePoint Standard 2019 User CAL 27 853.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service unified routing add-on, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service unified routing add-on, P1Y, Monthly 28 176.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Suite, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Viva Suite, P1Y, Annual 28 854.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Suite, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Viva Suite, P1M, Monthly 28 854.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Essentials with Phone, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Teams Essentials with Phone, P1M, Monthly 28 854.00 a/шт. В корзину
Teams Essentials and Teams Phone with pay-as-you-go calling (country zone 2), P1Y, Annual Teams Essentials and Teams Phone with pay-as-you-go calling (country zone 2), P1Y, Annual 28 854.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, P1Y, Annual 28 854.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, P1M, Monthly 28 854.00 a/шт. В корзину
Advanced Communications, P1Y, Monthly Advanced Communications, P1Y, Monthly 28 854.00 a/шт. В корзину
Advanced Communications, P1Y, Annual Advanced Communications, P1Y, Annual 28 854.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 Security, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 E5 Security, P1Y, Annual 28 854.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 Security, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 E5 Security, P1M, Monthly 28 854.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 Compliance, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 E5 Compliance, P1Y, Annual 28 854.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 Compliance, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 E5 Compliance, P1M, Monthly 28 854.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services - 1 Device CAL Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services - 1 Device CAL 29 917.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services - 1 User CAL Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services - 1 User CAL 29 917.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Standard, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 Business Standard, P1Y, Annual 30 058.88 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Standard, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 Business Standard, P1M, Monthly 30 058.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Team Members for Migration, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Team Members for Migration, P3Y, Monthly 30 295.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Team Members, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Team Members, P1Y, Monthly 30 295.13 a/шт. В корзину
System Center 2022 Datacenter - 2 Core License Pack 1 Year, P1Y, Annual System Center 2022 Datacenter - 2 Core License Pack 1 Year, P1Y, Annual 30 389.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Insights, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Insights, P1Y, Monthly 30 429.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual 30 460.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F5 Security + Compliance Add-on, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 F5 Security + Compliance Add-on, P1Y, Annual 31 255.88 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 F5 Security + Compliance Add-on, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 F5 Security + Compliance Add-on, P1M, Monthly 31 255.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Purchase Protection, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Purchase Protection, P1Y, Monthly 31 555.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Loss Prevention, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Loss Prevention, P1Y, Monthly 31 555.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Finance Premium, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Finance Premium, P1Y, Monthly 31 555.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly 31 657.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly 31 657.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3 VDA, P1Y, Annual Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3 VDA, P1Y, Annual 31 736.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3 VDA, P1M, Monthly Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3 VDA, P1M, Monthly 31 736.25 a/шт. В корзину
Skype for Business Server Plus 2019 User CAL Skype for Business Server Plus 2019 User CAL 31 980.38 a/шт. В корзину
Skype for Business Server Enterprise 2019 User CAL Skype for Business Server Enterprise 2019 User CAL 31 980.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly 32 460.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Device, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Device, P3Y, Monthly 32 689.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Field Service Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly 32 689.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition Device, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition Device, P3Y, Monthly 32 689.13 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate Process Mining add-on, P1Y, Monthly Power Automate Process Mining add-on, P1Y, Monthly 33 815.25 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate Premium, P1Y, Annual Power Automate Premium, P1Y, Annual 33 815.25 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate Premium, P1M, Monthly Power Automate Premium, P1M, Monthly 33 815.25 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate per user plan, P1Y, Annual Power Automate per user plan, P1Y, Annual 33 815.25 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate per user plan, P1M, Monthly Power Automate per user plan, P1M, Monthly 33 815.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Call Intelligence Minutes Add-on, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Call Intelligence Minutes Add-on, P1Y, Annual 33 815.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Call Intelligence Minutes Add-on, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Call Intelligence Minutes Add-on, P1M, Monthly 33 815.25 a/шт. В корзину
Word LTSC for Mac 2021 Word LTSC for Mac 2021 35 973.00 a/шт. В корзину
Word LTSC 2021 Word LTSC 2021 35 973.00 a/шт. В корзину
Publisher LTSC 2021 Publisher LTSC 2021 35 973.00 a/шт. В корзину
PowerPoint LTSC for Mac 2021 PowerPoint LTSC for Mac 2021 35 973.00 a/шт. В корзину
PowerPoint LTSC 2021 PowerPoint LTSC 2021 35 973.00 a/шт. В корзину
Outlook LTSC for Mac 2021 Outlook LTSC for Mac 2021 35 973.00 a/шт. В корзину
Outlook LTSC 2021 Outlook LTSC 2021 35 973.00 a/шт. В корзину
Excel LTSC for Mac 2021 Excel LTSC for Mac 2021 35 973.00 a/шт. В корзину
Excel LTSC 2021 Excel LTSC 2021 35 973.00 a/шт. В корзину
Access LTSC 2021 Access LTSC 2021 35 973.00 a/шт. В корзину
Visio Plan 2, P1Y, Annual Visio Plan 2, P1Y, Annual 36 067.50 a/шт. В корзину
Visio Plan 2, P1M, Monthly Visio Plan 2, P1M, Monthly 36 067.50 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate Premium, P1Y, Monthly Power Automate Premium, P1Y, Monthly 36 067.50 a/шт. В корзину
Teams Essentials and Teams Phone with pay-as-you-go calling (country zone 2), P1Y, Monthly Teams Essentials and Teams Phone with pay-as-you-go calling (country zone 2), P1Y, Monthly 36 067.50 a/шт. В корзину
Teams Essentials and Teams Phone with international calling, P1Y, Annual Teams Essentials and Teams Phone with international calling, P1Y, Annual 36 067.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual 37 067.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Finance, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Finance, P3Y, Monthly 37 870.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Monthly 37 870.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce, P3Y, Monthly 37 870.88 a/шт. В корзину
Project Server 2019 Device CAL Project Server 2019 Device CAL 38 374.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 11 Pro N Upgrade Windows 11 Pro N Upgrade 38 579.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 11 Pro Upgrade Windows 11 Pro Upgrade 38 579.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows GGWA - Windows 11 Pro - Legalization Get Genuine Windows GGWA - Windows 11 Pro - Legalization Get Genuine 38 792.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows GGWA - Windows 11 Pro N - Legalization Get Genuine Windows GGWA - Windows 11 Pro N - Legalization Get Genuine 38 792.25 a/шт. В корзину
Enterprise Mobility + Security E5, P1Y, Annual Enterprise Mobility + Security E5, P1Y, Annual 39 430.13 a/шт. В корзину
Enterprise Mobility + Security E5, P1M, Monthly Enterprise Mobility + Security E5, P1M, Monthly 39 430.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual 39 674.25 a/шт. В корзину
Priva Subject Rights Requests (100), P1Y, Monthly Priva Subject Rights Requests (100), P1Y, Monthly 40 083.75 a/шт. В корзину
Priva Subject Rights Requests (1), P1Y, Annual Priva Subject Rights Requests (1), P1Y, Annual 40 154.63 a/шт. В корзину
Priva Subject Rights Requests (1), P1M, Monthly Priva Subject Rights Requests (1), P1M, Monthly 40 154.63 a/шт. В корзину
Power Apps Premium, P1Y, Annual Power Apps Premium, P1Y, Annual 45 084.38 a/шт. В корзину
Power Apps Premium, P1M, Monthly Power Apps Premium, P1M, Monthly 45 084.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual 45 084.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual 45 084.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual 45 084.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual 45 084.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Field Service Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual 45 084.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Field Service Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual 45 084.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Sales Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual 45 084.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Sales Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual 45 084.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual 45 084.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual 45 084.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials Attach, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials Attach, P3Y, Triennial 45 084.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials Attach, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials Attach, P3Y, Annual 45 084.38 a/шт. В корзину
SQL Server 2022 - 1 User CAL SQL Server 2022 - 1 User CAL 47 250.00 a/шт. В корзину
SQL Server 2022 - 1 Device CAL SQL Server 2022 - 1 Device CAL 47 250.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual 47 486.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Premium (no Teams), P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 Business Premium (no Teams), P1M, Monthly 47 604.38 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Premium, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 Business Premium, P1Y, Monthly 47 604.38 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages authenticated users T3 min 1,000 units - 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Monthly Power Pages authenticated users T3 min 1,000 units - 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Monthly 48 084.75 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium Per User, P1Y, Annual Power BI Premium Per User, P1Y, Annual 48 084.75 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium Per User, P1M, Monthly Power BI Premium Per User, P1M, Monthly 48 084.75 a/шт. В корзину
Teams Essentials and Teams Phone with domestic calling, P1Y, Monthly Teams Essentials and Teams Phone with domestic calling, P1Y, Monthly 48 084.75 a/шт. В корзину
Teams Essentials and Teams Phone with domestic calling, P1M, Monthly Teams Essentials and Teams Phone with domestic calling, P1M, Monthly 48 084.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Attach, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Attach, P1Y, Annual 48 084.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Attach, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Attach, P1M, Monthly 48 084.75 a/шт. В корзину
Power Apps Premium (2000 seat min), P1Y, Annual Power Apps Premium (2000 seat min), P1Y, Annual 48 462.75 a/шт. В корзину
Project Server 2019 User CAL Project Server 2019 User CAL 49 927.50 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E3 (no Teams), P1M, Monthly Office 365 E3 (no Teams), P1M, Monthly 50 014.13 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E3, P1Y, Monthly Office 365 E3, P1Y, Monthly 50 014.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Premium Introductory Pricing, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Teams Premium Introductory Pricing, P1M, Monthly 50 494.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members, P1M, Monthly 50 494.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Premium Introductory Pricing, P3Y, Triennial Microsoft Teams Premium Introductory Pricing, P3Y, Triennial 50 494.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members, P3Y, Triennial 50 494.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium, P1Y, Monthly 50 494.50 a/шт. В корзину
Sensor Data Intelligence Additional Machines Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Monthly Sensor Data Intelligence Additional Machines Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Monthly 52 597.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Premium, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 Business Premium, P1Y, Annual 52 896.38 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 Business Premium, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 Business Premium, P1M, Monthly 52 896.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 Standard - 8 Core License Pack 1 Year, P1Y, Annual Windows Server 2022 Standard - 8 Core License Pack 1 Year, P1Y, Annual 53 305.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Team Members, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Team Members, P1M, Monthly 54 101.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Team Members, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Team Members, P3Y, Triennial 54 101.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Premium, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Premium, P1Y, Annual 54 101.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Copilot for Service, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Copilot for Service, P1Y, Annual 54 101.25 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E3, P1Y, Annual Office 365 E3, P1Y, Annual 55 298.25 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E3, P1M, Monthly Office 365 E3, P1M, Monthly 55 298.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Enterprise 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual 55 503.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual 55 503.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual 56 306.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T1 Interacted People, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T1 Interacted People, P1Y, Annual 56 353.50 a/шт. В корзину
Universal Print volume add-on (500 jobs), P1Y, Annual Universal Print volume add-on (500 jobs), P1Y, Annual 60 109.88 a/шт. В корзину
Universal Print volume add-on (10k jobs), P1M, Monthly Universal Print volume add-on (10k jobs), P1M, Monthly 60 109.88 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages anonymous users T3 min 200 units - 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Annual Power Pages anonymous users T3 min 200 units - 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Annual 60 109.88 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages anonymous users T3 min 200 units - 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1M, Monthly Power Pages anonymous users T3 min 200 units - 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1M, Monthly 60 109.88 a/шт. В корзину
AI Builder Capacity Add-on T3 (min 50 packs), P1M, Monthly AI Builder Capacity Add-on T3 (min 50 packs), P1M, Monthly 60 109.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1M, Monthly 60 590.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual 60 590.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly 60 590.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual 60 590.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC 2021 Upgrade Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC 2021 Upgrade 60 865.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021 Upgrade Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021 Upgrade 60 865.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Enterprise 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1Y, Annual 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Electronic Invoicing Add-on for Dynamics 365, P3Y, Monthly Electronic Invoicing Add-on for Dynamics 365, P3Y, Monthly 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Human Resources Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Human Resources Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Finance Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Finance Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Finance Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Finance Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Finance Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Finance Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Project Operations Attach, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Project Operations Attach, P1Y, Annual 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Project Operations Attach, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Project Operations Attach, P3Y, Annual 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Database Capacity Tier 2 (Min 1000GB), P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Operations - Database Capacity Tier 2 (Min 1000GB), P1Y, Annual 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Database Capacity Tier 2 (Min 1000GB), P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - Database Capacity Tier 2 (Min 1000GB), P1M, Monthly 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Sandbox, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Human Resources Sandbox, P1Y, Monthly 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Asset Management Addl Assets, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Asset Management Addl Assets, P1Y, Monthly 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Commerce Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Annual 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Commerce Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Annual 63 118.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1Y, Annual 63 913.50 a/шт. В корзину
Visio LTSC Standard 2021 Visio LTSC Standard 2021 63 960.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly 67 079.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1Y, Annual 67 079.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly 67 079.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual 67 079.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service - Resource Scheduling Optimization, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Field Service - Resource Scheduling Optimization, P1Y, Annual 67 622.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service - Resource Scheduling Optimization, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Field Service - Resource Scheduling Optimization, P1M, Monthly 67 622.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dataverse Database Capacity add-on Tier 2 (Min 1000GB), P1Y, Monthly Dataverse Database Capacity add-on Tier 2 (Min 1000GB), P1Y, Monthly 67 622.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dataverse Database Capacity add-on Tier 2 (Min 1000GB), P1Y, Annual Dataverse Database Capacity add-on Tier 2 (Min 1000GB), P1Y, Annual 67 622.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1M, Monthly 69 244.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual 69 244.88 a/шт. В корзину
Universal Print volume add-on (10k jobs), P1Y, Monthly Universal Print volume add-on (10k jobs), P1Y, Monthly 72 127.13 a/шт. В корзину
Project Plan 3, P1Y, Annual Project Plan 3, P1Y, Annual 72 127.13 a/шт. В корзину
Project Plan 3, P1M, Monthly Project Plan 3, P1M, Monthly 72 127.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T2 Interacted People, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T2 Interacted People, P1Y, Annual 72 127.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra Permissions Management, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Entra Permissions Management, P1Y, Annual 75 017.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra Permissions Management, P3Y, Triennial Microsoft Entra Permissions Management, P3Y, Triennial 75 017.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Entra Permissions Management, P3Y, Monthly Microsoft Entra Permissions Management, P3Y, Monthly 75 017.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly 75 733.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1Y, Annual 75 733.88 a/шт. В корзину
Teams Phone with international calling, P1M, Monthly Teams Phone with international calling, P1M, Monthly 76 938.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Phone Standard, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Teams Phone Standard, P1Y, Monthly 76 938.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly 79 167.38 a/шт. В корзину
SQL Server Big Data Node Cores - 1 Year Subscription, P1Y, Annual SQL Server Big Data Node Cores - 1 Year Subscription, P1Y, Annual 79 427.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Cloud PKI, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Cloud PKI, P1Y, Annual 81 144.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E3 (no Teams), P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 E3 (no Teams), P1M, Monthly 81 270.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E3 (no Teams) - Unattended License, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 E3 (no Teams) - Unattended License, P1Y, Annual 81 270.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E3 (no Teams) - Unattended License, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 E3 (no Teams) - Unattended License, P1M, Monthly 81 270.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E3 - Unattended License, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 E3 - Unattended License, P1Y, Monthly 81 270.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Frontline 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual 83 349.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Database Capacity, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Operations - Database Capacity, P1Y, Annual 84 152.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Database Capacity, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - Database Capacity, P1M, Monthly 84 152.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Device, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Business Central Device, P1Y, Annual 84 152.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Device, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Business Central Device, P3Y, Annual 84 152.25 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E5 (no Teams) without Audio Conferencing, P1M, Monthly Office 365 E5 (no Teams) without Audio Conferencing, P1M, Monthly 86 073.75 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Monthly Office 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Monthly 86 073.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly 86 554.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual 86 554.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly 86 554.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual 86 554.13 a/шт. В корзину
Teams Essentials and Teams Phone with international calling, P1M, Monthly Teams Essentials and Teams Phone with international calling, P1M, Monthly 86 554.13 a/шт. В корзину
Teams Essentials and Teams Phone with domestic calling, P1Y, Annual Teams Essentials and Teams Phone with domestic calling, P1Y, Annual 86 554.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E3 - Unattended License, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 E3 - Unattended License, P1Y, Annual 86 554.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E3 - Unattended License, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 E3 - Unattended License, P1M, Monthly 86 554.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E3, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 E3, P1Y, Annual 86 554.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E3, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 E3, P1M, Monthly 86 554.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly 88 719.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual 88 719.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly 88 719.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual 88 719.75 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages anonymous users T2 min 20 units - 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Annual Power Pages anonymous users T2 min 20 units - 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Annual 90 160.88 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages anonymous users T2 min 20 units - 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1M, Monthly Power Pages anonymous users T2 min 20 units - 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1M, Monthly 90 160.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dataverse Database Capacity add-on, P1Y, Monthly Dataverse Database Capacity add-on, P1Y, Monthly 90 160.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dataverse Database Capacity add-on, P1Y, Annual Dataverse Database Capacity add-on, P1Y, Annual 90 160.88 a/шт. В корзину
AI Builder Capacity Add-on T2 (min 10 packs), P1M, Monthly AI Builder Capacity Add-on T2 (min 10 packs), P1M, Monthly 90 160.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1Y, Monthly 90 885.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 64 GB, P1M, Monthly 90 885.38 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Annual Office 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Annual 91 365.75 a/шт. В корзину
Office 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing, P1M, Monthly Office 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing, P1M, Monthly 91 365.75 a/шт. В корзину
Office LTSC Standard for Mac 2021 Office LTSC Standard for Mac 2021 93 043.13 a/шт. В корзину
Office LTSC Standard 2021 Office LTSC Standard 2021 93 043.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter - 2 Core License Pack 1 Year, P1Y, Annual Windows Server 2022 Datacenter - 2 Core License Pack 1 Year, P1Y, Annual 93 074.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Frontline 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1Y, Annual 94 767.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly 95 208.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual 95 208.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Monthly 96 169.50 a/шт. В корзину
Teams Phone with pay-as-you-go calling (country zone 2), P1Y, Annual Teams Phone with pay-as-you-go calling (country zone 2), P1Y, Annual 96 169.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly 97 374.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual 97 374.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly 101 705.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly 101 705.63 a/шт. В корзину
Visual Studio Professional 2022 Visual Studio Professional 2022 102 949.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 3, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 3, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 3 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 3 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 4 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 4 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 5, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 5, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 6, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 6, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 1, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 1, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 2, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 2, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 3, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 3, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 4, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 4, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations – Activity, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Operations – Activity, P1Y, Annual 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations – Activity, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Operations – Activity, P3Y, Annual 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365  Operations – Order Lines, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations – Order Lines, P1M, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 5, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 5, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 6, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 6, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 1, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 1, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 2, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 2, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 4, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 4, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 6, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 6, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 3, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 3, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 4 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 4 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 2, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 2, P1Y, Monthly 105 186.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly 108 194.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual 108 194.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly 108 194.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual 108 194.63 a/шт. В корзину
Power Platform Requests add-on, P1Y, Annual Power Platform Requests add-on, P1Y, Annual 112 699.13 a/шт. В корзину
Power Platform Requests add-on, P1M, Monthly Power Platform Requests add-on, P1M, Monthly 112 699.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T3 Interacted People, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T3 Interacted People, P1Y, Annual 112 699.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, P1Y, Annual 112 699.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, P3Y, Annual 112 699.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Insights, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Sales Insights, P1Y, Annual 112 699.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Insights, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Sales Insights, P3Y, Triennial 112 699.13 a/шт. В корзину
AI Builder Capacity Add-on T1, P1M, Monthly AI Builder Capacity Add-on T1, P1M, Monthly 112 699.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly 116 849.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual 116 849.25 a/шт. В корзину
Visio LTSC Professional 2021 Visio LTSC Professional 2021 119 660.63 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages authenticated users T3 min 1,000 units - 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Annual Power Pages authenticated users T3 min 1,000 units - 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Annual 120 211.88 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages authenticated users T3 min 1,000 units - 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1M, Monthly Power Pages authenticated users T3 min 1,000 units - 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1M, Monthly 120 211.88 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 Compliance, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 E5 Compliance, P1Y, Monthly 120 211.88 a/шт. В корзину
Office LTSC Professional Plus 2021 Office LTSC Professional Plus 2021 126 882.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly 129 835.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly 129 835.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 (no Teams) without Audio Conferencing, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 E5 (no Teams) without Audio Conferencing, P1M, Monthly 131 756.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Monthly 131 756.63 a/шт. В корзину
Project Plan 5, P1Y, Annual Project Plan 5, P1Y, Annual 132 237.00 a/шт. В корзину
Project Plan 5, P1M, Monthly Project Plan 5, P1M, Monthly 132 237.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly 134 158.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly 134 158.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Field Service Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials Attach, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials Attach, P3Y, Monthly 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, P1Y, Monthly 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise, P1Y, Monthly 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Chat, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Chat, P1Y, Annual 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Chat, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Chat, P1M, Monthly 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Field Service Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Field Service, P1Y, Monthly 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition, P1Y, Monthly 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Sales Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Professional, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Professional, P1Y, Monthly 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials Attach, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials Attach, P1M, Monthly 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials, P1Y, Monthly 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Copilot for Sales, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Copilot for Sales, P1Y, Annual 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Copilot for Microsoft 365, P1Y, Annual Copilot for Microsoft 365, P1Y, Annual 135 245.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Annual Microsoft 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Annual 137 040.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing, P1M, Monthly Microsoft 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing, P1M, Monthly 137 040.75 a/шт. В корзину
Project Standard 2021 Project Standard 2021 140 293.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly 142 813.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual 142 813.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly 142 813.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual 142 813.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Professional, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Sales Professional, P1Y, Annual 146 506.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Professional, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Sales Professional, P3Y, Annual 146 506.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials, P1Y, Annual 147 262.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials, P3Y, Annual 147 262.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly 151 467.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual 151 467.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Guides Device, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Guides Device, P3Y, Monthly 156 279.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Guides, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Guides, P1Y, Annual 156 279.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Guides, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Guides, P1M, Monthly 156 279.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Device, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Device, P3Y, Monthly 156 279.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Remote Assist, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Remote Assist, P1Y, Annual 156 279.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Remote Assist, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Remote Assist, P1M, Monthly 156 279.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations – Device, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Operations – Device, P1Y, Annual 157 783.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations – Device, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Operations – Device, P3Y, Annual 157 783.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Ratings and Reviews, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Ratings and Reviews, P3Y, Monthly 157 783.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter - 2 Core Windows Server 2022 Datacenter - 2 Core 158 854.50 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Server Standard 2019 Exchange Server Standard 2019 160 917.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly 162 288.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly 162 288.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly 162 288.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly 162 288.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly 162 288.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual 162 288.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - XS, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - XS, P1Y, Annual 168 296.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - M, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - M, P1Y, Monthly 168 296.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Voice Channel Add-in, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Voice Channel Add-in, P1Y, Annual 169 052.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Voice Channel Add-in, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Customer Service Voice Channel Add-in, P3Y, Triennial 169 052.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging add-on, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging add-on, P1Y, Annual 169 052.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging add-on, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging add-on, P3Y, Triennial 169 052.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly 170 942.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual 170 942.63 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages authenticated users T2 min 100 units - 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Annual Power Pages authenticated users T2 min 100 units - 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Annual 180 321.75 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages authenticated users T2 min 100 units - 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1M, Monthly Power Pages authenticated users T2 min 100 units - 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1M, Monthly 180 321.75 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages anonymous users T1 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Annual Power Pages anonymous users T1 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Annual 180 321.75 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages anonymous users T1 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1M, Monthly Power Pages anonymous users T1 500 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1M, Monthly 180 321.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Device, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Device, P1Y, Monthly 180 321.75 a/шт. В корзину
Insider Risk Management Forensic Evidence 100GB Add-on, P1Y, Annual Insider Risk Management Forensic Evidence 100GB Add-on, P1Y, Annual 180 321.75 a/шт. В корзину
Insider Risk Management Forensic Evidence 100GB Add-on, P3Y, Triennial Insider Risk Management Forensic Evidence 100GB Add-on, P3Y, Triennial 180 321.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly 189 338.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Project Operations Attach, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Project Operations Attach, P1M, Monthly 189 338.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Human Resources Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly 189 338.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Finance Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Finance Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly 189 338.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1M, Monthly 189 338.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Human Resources Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial 189 338.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Self Service, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Human Resources Self Service, P1Y, Monthly 189 338.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Finance Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Finance Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial 189 338.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Finance, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Finance, P1Y, Monthly 189 338.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Project Operations Attach, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Project Operations Attach, P3Y, Triennial 189 338.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Project Operations, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Project Operations, P1Y, Monthly 189 338.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial 189 338.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1Y, Monthly 189 338.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Commerce Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P3Y, Triennial 189 338.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Team Members, P1Y, Monthly 189 338.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging and Voice Add-in, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging and Voice Add-in, P1Y, Annual 202 860.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging and Voice Add-in, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging and Voice Add-in, P3Y, Triennial 202 860.00 a/шт. В корзину
SQL Server 2022 Standard Edition SQL Server 2022 Standard Edition 203 623.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Loss Prevention Addon, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Loss Prevention Addon, P1Y, Monthly 210 372.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Account Protection, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Account Protection, P1Y, Monthly 210 372.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Account Protection Addon, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Account Protection Addon, P1Y, Monthly 210 372.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Asset Management Addl Assets, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Asset Management Addl Assets, P1Y, Annual 210 372.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Asset Management Addl Assets, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Asset Management Addl Assets, P3Y, Annual 210 372.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium, P1Y, Annual 210 372.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium, P3Y, Annual 210 372.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise, P1Y, Annual 214 129.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise, P3Y, Annual 214 129.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Field Service, P1Y, Annual 214 129.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Field Service, P3Y, Annual 214 129.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition, P1Y, Annual 214 129.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition, P3Y, Annual 214 129.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly 214 215.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly 214 215.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly 218 547.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual 218 547.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly 218 547.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly 218 547.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 Standard - 16 Core License Pack Windows Server 2022 Standard - 16 Core License Pack 220 539.38 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate per flow plan, P1Y, Annual Power Automate per flow plan, P1Y, Annual 225 398.25 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate per flow plan, P1M, Monthly Power Automate per flow plan, P1M, Monthly 225 398.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Voice Additional Responses, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Voice Additional Responses, P1Y, Monthly 225 398.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Voice Channel Add-in, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Voice Channel Add-in, P1Y, Monthly 225 398.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Attach, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Attach, P1Y, Annual 225 398.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T3 Unified People, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T3 Unified People, P1Y, Annual 225 398.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly 227 201.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E5, P1Y, Monthly Windows 10/11 Enterprise E5, P1Y, Monthly 227 201.63 a/шт. В корзину
Project Professional 2021 Project Professional 2021 233 123.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Stream Storage Add-On (500 GB), P1Y, Annual Microsoft Stream Storage Add-On (500 GB), P1Y, Annual 240 423.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Stream Storage Add-On (500 GB), P1M, Monthly Microsoft Stream Storage Add-On (500 GB), P1M, Monthly 240 423.75 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Online Protection, P1Y, Monthly Exchange Online Protection, P1Y, Monthly 240 423.75 a/шт. В корзину
Advanced eDiscovery Storage, P1Y, Monthly Advanced eDiscovery Storage, P1Y, Monthly 240 423.75 a/шт. В корзину
Advanced eDiscovery Storage, P1Y, Annual Advanced eDiscovery Storage, P1Y, Annual 240 423.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly 244 510.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly 244 510.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Device, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Device, P1M, Monthly 252 448.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Human Resources, P1Y, Annual 252 448.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Human Resources, P3Y, Annual 252 448.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Project Operations, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Project Operations, P1Y, Annual 252 448.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Project Operations, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Project Operations, P3Y, Annual 252 448.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Device, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Business Central Device, P3Y, Triennial 252 448.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity Overage, P1Y, Monthly 252 448.88 a/шт. В корзину
BizTalk Server 2020 Branch BizTalk Server 2020 Branch 260 772.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly 266 151.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual 266 151.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly 266 151.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual 266 151.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly 274 806.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual 274 806.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Intelligent Voicebot Minutes Add-on, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Intelligent Voicebot Minutes Add-on, P1Y, Annual 281 743.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Intelligent Voicebot Minutes Add-on, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Intelligent Voicebot Minutes Add-on, P1M, Monthly 281 743.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 2:Standard Acceptance Testing, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 2:Standard Acceptance Testing, P3Y, Monthly 284 004.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly 285 626.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual 285 626.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly 285 626.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual 285 626.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro without Audio Conferencing, P3Y, Annual Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro without Audio Conferencing, P3Y, Annual 288 508.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro without Audio Conferencing, P1Y, Annual 288 508.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly 294 280.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual 294 280.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Sandbox, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Human Resources Sandbox, P3Y, Monthly 294 517.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Premium, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Sales Premium, P1Y, Annual 304 290.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Premium, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Premium, P1M, Monthly 304 290.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations – Activity, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations – Activity, P1M, Monthly 315 559.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Purchase Protection Addon, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Purchase Protection Addon, P1Y, Annual 315 559.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Purchase Protection Addon, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Purchase Protection Addon, P1M, Monthly 315 559.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Loss Prevention Addon, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Loss Prevention Addon, P1Y, Annual 315 559.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Loss Prevention Addon, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Loss Prevention Addon, P1M, Monthly 315 559.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Account Protection Addon, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Account Protection Addon, P1Y, Annual 315 559.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Account Protection Addon, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Account Protection Addon, P1M, Monthly 315 559.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations – Activity, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Operations – Activity, P3Y, Triennial 315 559.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management, P1Y, Monthly 315 559.13 a/шт. В корзину
Sensor Data Intelligence Scenario Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Monthly Sensor Data Intelligence Scenario Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Monthly 315 559.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Device, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Device, P1Y, Annual 326 828.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Device, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Device, P3Y, Annual 326 828.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service Device, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Field Service Device, P1Y, Annual 326 828.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service Device, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Field Service Device, P1M, Monthly 326 828.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition Device, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition Device, P1Y, Annual 326 828.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition Device, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition Device, P3Y, Annual 326 828.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly 328 899.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly 328 899.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Insights, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Sales Insights, P3Y, Annual 338 097.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, P1M, Monthly 338 097.38 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate unattended RPA add-on, P1Y, Annual Power Automate unattended RPA add-on, P1Y, Annual 338 097.38 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate unattended RPA add-on, P1M, Monthly Power Automate unattended RPA add-on, P1M, Monthly 338 097.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T2 Unified People, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T2 Unified People, P1Y, Annual 338 097.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, P3Y, Triennial 338 097.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Intelligent Voicebot Minutes Add-on, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Intelligent Voicebot Minutes Add-on, P1Y, Monthly 338 097.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Insights, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Insights, P3Y, Monthly 338 097.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Insights, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Insights, P1M, Monthly 338 097.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly 341 885.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Enterprise 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual 341 885.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly 341 885.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual 341 885.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly 350 539.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Annual 350 539.88 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate Process, P1Y, Annual Power Automate Process, P1Y, Annual 360 635.63 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate Process, P1M, Monthly Power Automate Process, P1M, Monthly 360 635.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - S, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - S, P1Y, Annual 360 635.63 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for IoT - EIoT Device License - add-on, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender for IoT - EIoT Device License - add-on, P1Y, Annual 360 635.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter - 8 Core License Pack 1 Year, P1Y, Annual Windows Server 2022 Datacenter - 8 Core License Pack 1 Year, P1Y, Annual 369 951.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Finance, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Finance, P1Y, Annual 378 669.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Finance, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Finance, P3Y, Annual 378 669.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1Y, Annual 378 669.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Annual 378 669.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Commerce, P1Y, Annual 378 669.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Commerce, P3Y, Annual 378 669.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, P1Y, Annual 383 173.88 a/шт. В корзину
SQL Server Standard - 2 Core License Pack - 1 year, P1Y, Annual SQL Server Standard - 2 Core License Pack - 1 year, P1Y, Annual 395 647.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Monthly 400 302.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 128 GB, P1M, Monthly 400 302.00 a/шт. В корзину
Priva Privacy Risk Management, P1Y, Annual Priva Privacy Risk Management, P1Y, Annual 400 711.50 a/шт. В корзину
Priva Subject Rights Requests (10), P1Y, Annual Priva Subject Rights Requests (10), P1Y, Annual 400 782.38 a/шт. В корзину
Priva Subject Rights Requests (10), P1M, Monthly Priva Subject Rights Requests (10), P1M, Monthly 400 782.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Monthly 428 431.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 256 GB, P1M, Monthly 428 431.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Professional, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Professional, P1M, Monthly 439 519.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Professional, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Sales Professional, P3Y, Triennial 439 519.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Premium, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Premium, P1Y, Monthly 439 519.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials, P1M, Monthly 441 779.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials, P3Y, Triennial 441 779.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Device, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Device, P1Y, Monthly 441 779.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T1 Unified People, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T1 Unified People, P1Y, Annual 450 796.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 External Connector Windows Server 2022 External Connector 458 199.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations – Device, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations – Device, P1M, Monthly 473 334.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations – Device, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Operations – Device, P3Y, Triennial 473 334.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Database Capacity Tier 2 (Min 1000GB), P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - Database Capacity Tier 2 (Min 1000GB), P1Y, Monthly 473 334.75 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages authenticated users T1 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Annual Power Pages authenticated users T1 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1Y, Annual 480 847.50 a/шт. В корзину
Power Pages authenticated users T1 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1M, Monthly Power Pages authenticated users T1 100 users/per site/month capacity pack, P1M, Monthly 480 847.50 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate hosted RPA, P1Y, Annual Power Automate hosted RPA, P1Y, Annual 484 603.88 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate hosted RPA, P1M, Monthly Power Automate hosted RPA, P1M, Monthly 484 603.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Voice Channel Add-in, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Voice Channel Add-in, P3Y, Annual 507 142.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging add-on, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging add-on, P3Y, Annual 507 142.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Voice Channel Add-in, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Voice Channel Add-in, P3Y, Monthly 507 142.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Voice Channel Add-in, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Voice Channel Add-in, P1M, Monthly 507 142.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging add-on, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging add-on, P3Y, Monthly 507 142.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging add-on, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging add-on, P1M, Monthly 507 142.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly 512 820.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 8 vCPU, 32 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly 512 820.00 a/шт. В корзину
Sensor Data Intelligence Additional Machines Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1Y, Annual Sensor Data Intelligence Additional Machines Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1Y, Annual 525 924.00 a/шт. В корзину
Sensor Data Intelligence Additional Machines Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Annual Sensor Data Intelligence Additional Machines Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Annual 525 924.00 a/шт. В корзину
Insider Risk Management Forensic Evidence 100GB Add-on, P1M, Monthly Insider Risk Management Forensic Evidence 100GB Add-on, P1M, Monthly 540 949.50 a/шт. В корзину
Insider Risk Management Forensic Evidence 100GB Add-on, P1Y, Monthly Insider Risk Management Forensic Evidence 100GB Add-on, P1Y, Monthly 540 949.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Copilot Studio, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Copilot Studio, P1Y, Monthly 540 949.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Copilot Studio, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Copilot Studio, P1M, Monthly 540 949.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T1 Interacted People, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T1 Interacted People, P3Y, Annual 563 487.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T1 Interacted People, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T1 Interacted People, P3Y, Triennial 563 487.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly 599 374.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual 599 374.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly 599 374.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1M, Monthly 599 374.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - M, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - M, P1Y, Annual 601 059.38 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - XL, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - XL, P1Y, Monthly 601 059.38 a/шт. В корзину
AI Builder Capacity Add-on T3 (min 50 packs), P1Y, Annual AI Builder Capacity Add-on T3 (min 50 packs), P1Y, Annual 601 059.38 a/шт. В корзину
AI Builder Capacity Add-on T3 (min 50 packs), P1Y, Monthly AI Builder Capacity Add-on T3 (min 50 packs), P1Y, Monthly 601 059.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly 608 028.75 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1M, Monthly 608 028.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging and Voice Add-in, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging and Voice Add-in, P3Y, Annual 608 572.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging and Voice Add-in, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging and Voice Add-in, P3Y, Monthly 608 572.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging and Voice Add-in, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging and Voice Add-in, P1M, Monthly 608 572.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium, P1M, Monthly 631 110.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Finance Premium, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Finance Premium, P1Y, Annual 631 110.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Finance Premium, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Finance Premium, P1M, Monthly 631 110.38 a/шт. В корзину
Electronic Invoicing Add-on for Dynamics 365, P1Y, Annual Electronic Invoicing Add-on for Dynamics 365, P1Y, Annual 631 110.38 a/шт. В корзину
Electronic Invoicing Add-on for Dynamics 365, P3Y, Annual Electronic Invoicing Add-on for Dynamics 365, P3Y, Annual 631 110.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management, P1Y, Annual 631 110.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management, P1M, Monthly 631 110.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Recommendations, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Recommendations, P3Y, Monthly 631 110.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Premium, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Premium, P1Y, Monthly 631 110.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly 631 110.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Additional Environment Addon, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Business Central Additional Environment Addon, P1Y, Annual 631 110.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Additional Environment Addon, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Additional Environment Addon, P1M, Monthly 631 110.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Asset Management Addl Assets, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Asset Management Addl Assets, P3Y, Monthly 631 110.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium, P3Y, Triennial 631 110.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials Attach, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials Attach, P1Y, Monthly 631 110.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition, P1M, Monthly 642 379.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Field Service, P1M, Monthly 642 379.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise, P1M, Monthly 642 379.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise, P3Y, Triennial 642 379.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging and Voice Add-in, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Digital Messaging and Voice Add-in, P1Y, Monthly 642 379.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Field Service, P3Y, Triennial 642 379.50 a/шт. В корзину
Electronic Invoicing Add-on for Dynamics 365, P1Y, Monthly Electronic Invoicing Add-on for Dynamics 365, P1Y, Monthly 642 379.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition, P3Y, Triennial 642 379.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Device, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Device, P1Y, Monthly 642 379.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1Y, Monthly 681 597.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Enterprise 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Enterprise 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1M, Monthly 681 597.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Monthly 681 597.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU, 4 GB, 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit), P1Y, Annual 681 597.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Business 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1Y, Monthly 690 251.63 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 256 GB, P1Y, Annual 690 251.63 a/шт. В корзину
Universal Print volume add-on (10k jobs), P1Y, Annual Universal Print volume add-on (10k jobs), P1Y, Annual 721 263.38 a/шт. В корзину
Universal Print, P1Y, Monthly Universal Print, P1Y, Monthly 721 263.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T2 Interacted People, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T2 Interacted People, P3Y, Annual 721 263.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T2 Interacted People, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T2 Interacted People, P3Y, Triennial 721 263.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Project Operations, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Project Operations, P1M, Monthly 757 330.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Human Resources, P1M, Monthly 757 330.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Human Resources, P3Y, Triennial 757 330.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Guides Device, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Guides Device, P1Y, Monthly 757 330.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Project Operations, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Project Operations, P3Y, Triennial 757 330.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 5:Premier Performance Testing, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 5:Premier Performance Testing, P1Y, Monthly 757 330.88 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 2), P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 2), P1Y, Monthly 801 399.38 a/шт. В корзину
SQL Server 2022 Standard Core - 2 Core License Pack SQL Server 2022 Standard Core - 2 Core License Pack 813 660.75 a/шт. В корзину
Skype for Business Server 2019 Skype for Business Server 2019 827 481.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 5 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 5 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 841 475.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 6 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 6 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 841 475.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 1 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 1 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 841 475.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 5, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 5, P1Y, Monthly 841 475.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 1, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 1, P1Y, Monthly 841 475.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce, P1Y, Monthly 841 475.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 3:Premier Acceptance Testing, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 3:Premier Acceptance Testing, P3Y, Monthly 851 996.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 512 GB, P1Y, Monthly 900 136.13 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1M, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1M, Monthly 900 136.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Sustainability Manager Essentials, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Sustainability Manager Essentials, P1Y, Annual 901 585.13 a/шт. В корзину
AI Builder Capacity Add-on T2 (min 10 packs), P1Y, Annual AI Builder Capacity Add-on T2 (min 10 packs), P1Y, Annual 901 585.13 a/шт. В корзину
AI Builder Capacity Add-on T2 (min 10 packs), P1Y, Monthly AI Builder Capacity Add-on T2 (min 10 packs), P1Y, Monthly 901 585.13 a/шт. В корзину
Exchange Server Enterprise 2019 Exchange Server Enterprise 2019 919 288.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - L, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - L, P1Y, Annual 961 687.13 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - XS, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - XS, P1Y, Monthly 961 687.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition Device, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition Device, P1M, Monthly 980 469.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Device, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Device, P1M, Monthly 980 469.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Device, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Device, P3Y, Triennial 980 469.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly 980 469.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition Device, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Edition Device, P3Y, Triennial 980 469.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly 980 469.00 a/шт. В корзину
Defender Threat Intelligence, P3Y, Annual Defender Threat Intelligence, P3Y, Annual 1 001 763.00 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1Y, Monthly Windows 365 Frontline 16 vCPU, 64 GB, 1 TB, P1Y, Monthly 1 023 474.38 a/шт. В корзину
Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual Windows 365 Frontline 4 vCPU, 16 GB, 128 GB, P1Y, Annual 1 023 474.38 a/шт. В корзину
BizTalk Server 2020 Standard BizTalk Server 2020 Standard 1 045 957.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 2 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 2 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 2 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 2 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 2 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 2 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 2 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 2 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 3 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 3 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 3 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 3 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 4 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 4 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 4 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 4 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 5 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 5 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 5 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 5 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 6 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 6 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 6 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 6 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 1 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 1 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 1 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 1 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 2 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 2 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 2 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 2 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 3 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 3 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 3 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 3 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity 100GB, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity 100GB, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity 100GB, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Business Central Database Capacity 100GB, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365  Operations – Order Lines, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Operations – Order Lines, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365  Operations – Order Lines, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations – Order Lines, P1Y, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 4 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 4 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 4 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 4 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 5 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 5 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 5 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 5 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 6 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 6 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 6 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 6 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 1 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 1 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 1 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 1 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 3 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 3 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 3 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 3 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 1 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 1 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 1 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 1 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 6 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 6 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 6 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 6 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 5 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 5 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 5 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 5 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 4 Overage, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 4 Overage, P1Y, Annual 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 4 Overage, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 4 Overage, P1M, Monthly 1 051 848.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T3 Interacted People, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T3 Interacted People, P3Y, Annual 1 126 975.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T3 Interacted People, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T3 Interacted People, P3Y, Triennial 1 126 975.50 a/шт. В корзину
AI Builder Capacity Add-on T1, P1Y, Monthly AI Builder Capacity Add-on T1, P1Y, Monthly 1 126 975.50 a/шт. В корзину
AI Builder Capacity Add-on T1, P1Y, Annual AI Builder Capacity Add-on T1, P1Y, Annual 1 126 975.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1M, Monthly 1 135 992.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Finance, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Finance, P1M, Monthly 1 135 992.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce, P1M, Monthly 1 135 992.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Finance, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Finance, P3Y, Triennial 1 135 992.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Field Service - Resource Scheduling Optimization, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Field Service - Resource Scheduling Optimization, P1Y, Monthly 1 135 992.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Triennial 1 135 992.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Sales Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Sales Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly 1 135 992.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Commerce, P3Y, Triennial 1 135 992.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly 1 135 992.38 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium P2, P1Y, Monthly Power BI Premium P2, P1Y, Monthly 1 200 906.00 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate Process, P1Y, Monthly Power Automate Process, P1Y, Monthly 1 202 110.88 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Insights, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Viva Insights, P1Y, Monthly 1 202 110.88 a/шт. В корзину
Compliance Manager Premium Assessment Add-On, P1Y, Annual Compliance Manager Premium Assessment Add-On, P1Y, Annual 1 202 110.88 a/шт. В корзину
Compliance Manager Premium Assessment Add-On, P1M, Monthly Compliance Manager Premium Assessment Add-On, P1M, Monthly 1 202 110.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Basic - Cloud, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Basic - Cloud, P3Y, Monthly 1 262 212.88 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter - 16 Core Windows Server 2022 Datacenter - 16 Core 1 270 001.25 a/шт. В корзину
Project Server 2019 Project Server 2019 1 285 680.38 a/шт. В корзину
SQL Server 2022 Enterprise - 2 Core License Pack - 1 year, P1Y, Annual SQL Server 2022 Enterprise - 2 Core License Pack - 1 year, P1Y, Annual 1 516 748.63 a/шт. В корзину
SharePoint Server 2019 SharePoint Server 2019 1 542 728.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Guides Device, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Guides Device, P1Y, Annual 1 562 738.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Guides Device, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Guides Device, P3Y, Annual 1 562 738.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Device, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Device, P1Y, Annual 1 562 738.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Device, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Device, P3Y, Annual 1 562 738.63 a/шт. В корзину
Sensor Data Intelligence Additional Machines Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1M, Monthly Sensor Data Intelligence Additional Machines Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1M, Monthly 1 577 764.13 a/шт. В корзину
Sensor Data Intelligence Additional Machines Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Triennial Sensor Data Intelligence Additional Machines Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Triennial 1 577 764.13 a/шт. В корзину
Sensor Data Intelligence Scenario Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1Y, Monthly Sensor Data Intelligence Scenario Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1Y, Monthly 1 577 764.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Ratings and Reviews, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Commerce Ratings and Reviews, P1Y, Annual 1 577 764.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Ratings and Reviews, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Commerce Ratings and Reviews, P3Y, Annual 1 577 764.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 4:Standard Performance Testing, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 4:Standard Performance Testing, P3Y, Monthly 1 661 916.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T1 Interacted People, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T1 Interacted People, P3Y, Monthly 1 690 463.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T1 Interacted People, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T1 Interacted People, P1M, Monthly 1 690 463.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 2 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 2 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 1 690 463.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service unified routing add-on, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Service unified routing add-on, P1Y, Annual 1 803 162.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Service unified routing add-on, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Service unified routing add-on, P1M, Monthly 1 803 162.38 a/шт. В корзину
Electronic Invoicing Add-on for Dynamics 365, P1M, Monthly Electronic Invoicing Add-on for Dynamics 365, P1M, Monthly 1 893 315.38 a/шт. В корзину
Electronic Invoicing Add-on for Dynamics 365, P3Y, Triennial Electronic Invoicing Add-on for Dynamics 365, P3Y, Triennial 1 893 315.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Voice Additional Responses, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Voice Additional Responses, P1M, Monthly 1 893 315.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Purchase Protection, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Purchase Protection, P1Y, Annual 2 103 688.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Purchase Protection, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Purchase Protection, P1M, Monthly 2 103 688.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Loss Prevention, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Loss Prevention, P1Y, Annual 2 103 688.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Loss Prevention, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Loss Prevention, P1M, Monthly 2 103 688.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Account Protection, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Account Protection, P1Y, Annual 2 103 688.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Account Protection, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection Account Protection, P1M, Monthly 2 103 688.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T2 Interacted People, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T2 Interacted People, P3Y, Monthly 2 163 790.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T2 Interacted People, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T2 Interacted People, P1M, Monthly 2 163 790.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T1 Interacted People, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T1 Interacted People, P1Y, Monthly 2 163 790.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Attach, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Attach, P3Y, Annual 2 253 951.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Attach, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Attach, P3Y, Triennial 2 253 951.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T3 Unified People, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T3 Unified People, P3Y, Annual 2 253 951.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T3 Unified People, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T3 Unified People, P3Y, Triennial 2 253 951.00 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium P5, P1Y, Monthly Power BI Premium P5, P1Y, Monthly 2 403 009.00 a/шт. В корзину
Extra Graph Connector Capacity, P1Y, Annual Extra Graph Connector Capacity, P1Y, Annual 2 404 213.88 a/шт. В корзину
Extra Graph Connector Capacity, P1M, Monthly Extra Graph Connector Capacity, P1M, Monthly 2 404 213.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 5:Premier Performance Testing, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 5:Premier Performance Testing, P3Y, Monthly 2 524 425.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Sustainability Manager Premium, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Sustainability Manager Premium, P1Y, Annual 2 704 739.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 2:Standard Acceptance Testing, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 2:Standard Acceptance Testing, P1Y, Annual 2 839 977.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 2:Standard Acceptance Testing, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 2:Standard Acceptance Testing, P3Y, Annual 2 839 977.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Sandbox, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Human Resources Sandbox, P1Y, Annual 2 945 155.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Sandbox, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Human Resources Sandbox, P3Y, Annual 2 945 155.50 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services External Connector Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services External Connector 3 003 147.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 1 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 1 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 3 050 341.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 2 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 2 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 3 050 341.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 3 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 3 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 3 050 341.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 4 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 4 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 3 050 341.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 5 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 5 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 3 050 341.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 6 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 6 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 3 050 341.88 a/шт. В корзину
SQL Server 2022 Enterprise Core - 2 Core License Pack SQL Server 2022 Enterprise Core - 2 Core License Pack 3 119 704.88 a/шт. В корзину
Sensor Data Intelligence Scenario Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1Y, Annual Sensor Data Intelligence Scenario Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1Y, Annual 3 155 528.25 a/шт. В корзину
Sensor Data Intelligence Scenario Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Annual Sensor Data Intelligence Scenario Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Annual 3 155 528.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T3 Interacted People, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T3 Interacted People, P3Y, Monthly 3 380 926.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T3 Interacted People, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T3 Interacted People, P1M, Monthly 3 380 926.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T2 Unified People, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T2 Unified People, P1Y, Monthly 3 380 926.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T2 Unified People, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T2 Unified People, P3Y, Annual 3 380 926.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T2 Unified People, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T2 Unified People, P3Y, Triennial 3 380 926.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Standard - Cloud, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Standard - Cloud, P3Y, Monthly 3 576 265.88 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - XL, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - XL, P1Y, Annual 3 606 316.88 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - S, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Defender for IoT - OT site license - S, P1Y, Monthly 3 606 316.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, P3Y, Annual 3 831 715.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, P3Y, Triennial 3 831 715.13 a/шт. В корзину
Priva Subject Rights Requests (100), P1Y, Annual Priva Subject Rights Requests (100), P1Y, Annual 4 007 099.25 a/шт. В корзину
Priva Subject Rights Requests (100), P1M, Monthly Priva Subject Rights Requests (100), P1M, Monthly 4 007 099.25 a/шт. В корзину
Windows Server 2022 Rights Management External Connector Windows Server 2022 Rights Management External Connector 4 136 154.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T1 Unified People, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T1 Unified People, P3Y, Annual 4 507 894.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T1 Unified People, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T1 Unified People, P3Y, Triennial 4 507 894.13 a/шт. В корзину
BizTalk Server 2020 Enterprise BizTalk Server 2020 Enterprise 4 562 168.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Device, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Device, P1M, Monthly 4 688 208.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Guides Device, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Guides Device, P1M, Monthly 4 688 208.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Guides Device, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Guides Device, P3Y, Triennial 4 688 208.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Guides, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Guides, P1Y, Monthly 4 688 208.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Device, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Device, P3Y, Triennial 4 688 208.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Attach, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Remote Assist Attach, P1Y, Monthly 4 688 208.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Ratings and Reviews, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Ratings and Reviews, P1M, Monthly 4 733 292.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Ratings and Reviews, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Commerce Ratings and Reviews, P3Y, Triennial 4 733 292.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Basic - Cloud, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Basic - Cloud, P1Y, Monthly 4 733 292.38 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium P1, P1Y, Monthly Power BI Premium P1, P1Y, Monthly 4 807 222.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Recommendations, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Commerce Recommendations, P1Y, Annual 6 311 048.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Recommendations, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Commerce Recommendations, P3Y, Annual 6 311 048.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 2 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 2 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 6 521 421.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 1 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 1 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 6 521 421.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 3 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 3 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 6 521 421.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 6 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 6 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 6 521 421.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 4, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 4, P1Y, Monthly 6 521 421.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 5 Overage, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 5 Overage, P1Y, Monthly 6 521 421.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Attach, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Attach, P3Y, Monthly 6 761 837.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T3 Unified People, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T3 Unified People, P3Y, Monthly 6 761 837.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T1 Unified People, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T1 Unified People, P1Y, Monthly 6 761 837.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Attach, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Attach, P1M, Monthly 6 761 837.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T3 Unified People, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T3 Unified People, P1Y, Monthly 6 761 837.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T3 Unified People, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T3 Unified People, P1M, Monthly 6 761 837.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Premium - Cloud, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Premium - Cloud, P3Y, Monthly 7 783 626.38 a/шт. В корзину
Defender Threat Intelligence API, P1Y, Monthly Defender Threat Intelligence API, P1Y, Monthly 8 013 954.38 a/шт. В корзину
Defender Threat Intelligence API, P1M, Monthly Defender Threat Intelligence API, P1M, Monthly 8 013 954.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 5, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 5, P1Y, Annual 8 414 736.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 5, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 5, P1M, Monthly 8 414 736.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 6, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 6, P1Y, Annual 8 414 736.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 6, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 6, P1M, Monthly 8 414 736.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 4, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 4, P1Y, Annual 8 414 736.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 4, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 4, P1M, Monthly 8 414 736.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 3, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 3, P1Y, Annual 8 414 736.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 3, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 3, P1M, Monthly 8 414 736.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 2, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 2, P1Y, Annual 8 414 736.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 2, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 2, P1M, Monthly 8 414 736.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 1, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 1, P1Y, Annual 8 414 736.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 1, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 1 Band 1, P1M, Monthly 8 414 736.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 2:Standard Acceptance Testing, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 2:Standard Acceptance Testing, P1M, Monthly 8 519 915.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 3:Premier Acceptance Testing, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 3:Premier Acceptance Testing, P1Y, Annual 8 519 915.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 3:Premier Acceptance Testing, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 3:Premier Acceptance Testing, P3Y, Annual 8 519 915.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 2:Standard Acceptance Testing, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 2:Standard Acceptance Testing, P3Y, Triennial 8 519 915.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - File Capacity, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - File Capacity, P1Y, Monthly 8 519 915.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Sandbox, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Human Resources Sandbox, P1M, Monthly 8 835 466.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Sandbox, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Human Resources Sandbox, P3Y, Triennial 8 835 466.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Human Resources Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Human Resources Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer, P1Y, Monthly 8 835 466.50 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Sustainability Manager Essentials, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Sustainability Manager Essentials, P1Y, Monthly 9 015 788.25 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Stream Storage Add-On (500 GB), P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Stream Storage Add-On (500 GB), P1Y, Monthly 9 015 788.25 a/шт. В корзину
Sensor Data Intelligence Scenario Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1M, Monthly Sensor Data Intelligence Scenario Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P1M, Monthly 9 466 576.88 a/шт. В корзину
Sensor Data Intelligence Scenario Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Triennial Sensor Data Intelligence Scenario Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, P3Y, Triennial 9 466 576.88 a/шт. В корзину
Insider Risk Management Forensic Evidence 100GB Add-on, P3Y, Annual Insider Risk Management Forensic Evidence 100GB Add-on, P3Y, Annual 9 466 576.88 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium P3, P1Y, Monthly Power BI Premium P3, P1Y, Monthly 9 615 634.88 a/шт. В корзину
Defender Threat Intelligence, P1Y, Monthly Defender Threat Intelligence, P1Y, Monthly 10 017 622.13 a/шт. В корзину
Defender Threat Intelligence, P1M, Monthly Defender Threat Intelligence, P1M, Monthly 10 017 622.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T2 Unified People, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T2 Unified People, P3Y, Monthly 10 142 755.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T2 Unified People, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T2 Unified People, P1M, Monthly 10 142 755.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T2 Interacted People, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T2 Interacted People, P1Y, Monthly 10 142 755.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, P3Y, Monthly 11 495 129.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, P1M, Monthly 11 495 129.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T3 Interacted People, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys T3 Interacted People, P1Y, Monthly 11 495 129.63 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium P1, P1Y, Annual Power BI Premium P1, P1Y, Annual 12 009 028.50 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium P1, P1M, Monthly Power BI Premium P1, P1M, Monthly 12 009 028.50 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate Process Mining add-on, P1Y, Annual Power Automate Process Mining add-on, P1Y, Annual 12 021 045.75 a/шт. В корзину
Power Automate Process Mining add-on, P1M, Monthly Power Automate Process Mining add-on, P1M, Monthly 12 021 045.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Insights Capacity, P1Y, Annual Microsoft Viva Insights Capacity, P1Y, Annual 12 021 045.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Viva Insights Capacity, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Viva Insights Capacity, P1M, Monthly 12 021 045.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Basic - Cloud, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Basic - Cloud, P3Y, Annual 12 622 097.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Basic - Cloud, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Basic - Cloud, P1Y, Annual 12 622 097.25 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T1 Unified People, P3Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T1 Unified People, P3Y, Monthly 13 523 674.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T1 Unified People, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Data T1 Unified People, P1M, Monthly 13 523 674.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, P1Y, Monthly 13 523 674.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 4:Standard Performance Testing, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 4:Standard Performance Testing, P1Y, Annual 16 619 092.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 4:Standard Performance Testing, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 4:Standard Performance Testing, P3Y, Annual 16 619 092.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Recommendations, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Recommendations, P1M, Monthly 18 933 145.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Recommendations, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Commerce Recommendations, P3Y, Triennial 18 933 145.88 a/шт. В корзину
eCDN, P3Y, Triennial eCDN, P3Y, Triennial 18 933 145.88 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium Per User Add-On, P1Y, Monthly Power BI Premium Per User Add-On, P1Y, Monthly 19 232 474.63 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium P2, P1Y, Annual Power BI Premium P2, P1Y, Annual 24 030 066.38 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium P2, P1M, Monthly Power BI Premium P2, P1M, Monthly 24 030 066.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 5:Premier Performance Testing, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 5:Premier Performance Testing, P1Y, Annual 25 244 194.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 5:Premier Performance Testing, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 5:Premier Performance Testing, P3Y, Annual 25 244 194.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 3:Premier Acceptance Testing, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 3:Premier Acceptance Testing, P1M, Monthly 25 559 745.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 3:Premier Acceptance Testing, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 3:Premier Acceptance Testing, P3Y, Triennial 25 559 745.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 2:Standard Acceptance Testing, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 2:Standard Acceptance Testing, P1Y, Monthly 25 559 745.75 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Sustainability Manager Premium, P1Y, Monthly Microsoft Sustainability Manager Premium, P1Y, Monthly 27 047 349.00 a/шт. В корзину
Microsoft Sustainability Manager Essentials, P1M, Monthly Microsoft Sustainability Manager Essentials, P1M, Monthly 27 047 349.00 a/шт. В корзину
Defender Threat Intelligence, P1Y, Annual Defender Threat Intelligence, P1Y, Annual 30 052 850.63 a/шт. В корзину
Defender Threat Intelligence, P3Y, Monthly Defender Threat Intelligence, P3Y, Monthly 30 052 850.63 a/шт. В корзину
Defender Threat Intelligence API, P1Y, Annual Defender Threat Intelligence API, P1Y, Annual 30 052 850.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 1, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 1, P1Y, Annual 30 503 403.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 1, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 1, P1M, Monthly 30 503 403.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 2, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 2, P1Y, Annual 30 503 403.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 2, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 2, P1M, Monthly 30 503 403.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 3, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 3, P1Y, Annual 30 503 403.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 3, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 3, P1M, Monthly 30 503 403.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 4, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 4, P1Y, Annual 30 503 403.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 4, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 4, P1M, Monthly 30 503 403.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 5, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 5, P1Y, Annual 30 503 403.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 5, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 5, P1M, Monthly 30 503 403.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 6, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 6, P1Y, Annual 30 503 403.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 6, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 2 Band 6, P1M, Monthly 30 503 403.00 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Standard - Cloud, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Standard - Cloud, P1Y, Annual 35 762 603.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Standard - Cloud, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Standard - Cloud, P3Y, Annual 35 762 603.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Basic - Cloud, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Basic - Cloud, P1M, Monthly 37 866 291.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Basic - Cloud, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Basic - Cloud, P3Y, Triennial 37 866 291.75 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Standard - Cloud, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Standard - Cloud, P1Y, Monthly 37 866 291.75 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium P3, P1Y, Annual Power BI Premium P3, P1Y, Annual 48 072 157.88 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium P3, P1M, Monthly Power BI Premium P3, P1M, Monthly 48 072 157.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 4:Standard Performance Testing, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 4:Standard Performance Testing, P1M, Monthly 49 857 278.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 4:Standard Performance Testing, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 4:Standard Performance Testing, P3Y, Triennial 49 857 278.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 3:Premier Acceptance Testing, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 3:Premier Acceptance Testing, P1Y, Monthly 49 857 278.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 3, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 3, P1Y, Annual 65 214 166.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 3, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 3, P1M, Monthly 65 214 166.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 1, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 1, P1Y, Annual 65 214 166.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 1, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 1, P1M, Monthly 65 214 166.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 2, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 2, P1Y, Annual 65 214 166.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 2, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 2, P1M, Monthly 65 214 166.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 6, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 6, P1Y, Annual 65 214 166.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 6, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 6, P1M, Monthly 65 214 166.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 5, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 5, P1Y, Annual 65 214 166.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 5, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 5, P1M, Monthly 65 214 166.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 4, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 4, P1Y, Annual 65 214 166.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 4, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 e-Commerce Tier 3 Band 4, P1M, Monthly 65 214 166.50 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 5:Premier Performance Testing, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 5:Premier Performance Testing, P1M, Monthly 75 732 575.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 5:Premier Performance Testing, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 5:Premier Performance Testing, P3Y, Triennial 75 732 575.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 4:Standard Performance Testing, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 4:Standard Performance Testing, P1Y, Monthly 75 732 575.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Premium - Cloud, P1Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Premium - Cloud, P1Y, Annual 77 836 255.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Premium - Cloud, P3Y, Annual Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Premium - Cloud, P3Y, Annual 77 836 255.88 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium P4, P1Y, Annual Power BI Premium P4, P1Y, Annual 96 156 325.13 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium P4, P1M, Monthly Power BI Premium P4, P1M, Monthly 96 156 325.13 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Standard - Cloud, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Standard - Cloud, P1M, Monthly 107 287 810.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Standard - Cloud, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Standard - Cloud, P3Y, Triennial 107 287 810.88 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Premium - Cloud, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Premium - Cloud, P1Y, Monthly 107 287 810.88 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium P5, P1Y, Annual Power BI Premium P5, P1Y, Annual 192 324 675.38 a/шт. В корзину
Power BI Premium P5, P1M, Monthly Power BI Premium P5, P1M, Monthly 192 324 675.38 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Premium - Cloud, P1M, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Premium - Cloud, P1M, Monthly 233 508 767.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Premium - Cloud, P3Y, Triennial Dynamics 365 Commerce Scale Unit Premium - Cloud, P3Y, Triennial 233 508 767.63 a/шт. В корзину
Dynamics 365 Commerce Recommendations, P1Y, Monthly Dynamics 365 Commerce Recommendations, P1Y, Monthly 233 508 767.63 a/шт. В корзину

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